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The Dragon's Head Blog: A big, wonderful family

I have fond memories of the opening of the Three Religions Temple 10 years ago. It was my first visit to the International Centre near Orangeville, Ontario. I was very excited to see the new Temple and to be present for its grand opening. I had been practicing Taoist Tai Chiarts for four years at that point, and in our classes there was much mention of the Quiet Cultivation Centre and regular reports on the progress of the building. At one point, money was short and there was an appeal to participants to make a $100 loan to enable the completion of the project. Also the Eastern Region donated the covers for the ventilation, referred to as “les dentelles de bois” or wooden lacework in English. These were carefully crafted by one of our members from the Eastern Region and paid for by various fundraising activities. So I really had a sense of belonging to the Temple and Centre.

And what a memorable opening it was! There were the chanters in their colourful red and blue robes, monks from Hong Kong, our wonderful 50-leg dragon cavorting all about and auspicious rainbows in the sky!

In the years since, I have returned at least 10 times to the centre. I became a beginner instructor and then a continuing instructor. Every time I visit the centre I feel renewed and at home. We work in groups for our practice and chores and in this way help each other. I have met and got to know people from different parts of Canada and the world and am always happy to renew these friendships. When I see a report on the blog of an activity in a given location, I often can recognize people in the photos. We are one big, wonderful family!

Rosemary Leaver

Please send your stories and reflections on the expansion of the International Centre with the Three Religions Temple, The Hall of the Original Constellations (Dao Mo), the Memorial Hall, the Quiet Cultivation Centre practice hall, and the Meditation Suites to They may be used on the Tiger’s Mouth blog and in other publicity and promotional material.

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