The Dragon's Head Blog
Personal Stories
Gratitude for healing power of Taoist Tai Chi® internal arts
In my prime of youth, active as a surfer and sportsman, a motorcycle accident resulted in my broken back, robbing me of the fun of life and of all sporting action. After 30 years of pain and limited movement, I was reluctantly introduced to Taoist Tai Chi® arts. I tolerated the experience for the first year, […]
Testimonial from International Workshop in Bayswater, Perth, Australia
I’ve been doing tai chi for less than a year so was a little nervous about taking part in a workshop with far more experienced practitioners. But I decided to enrol in the hope that the 5 days immersion might make it finally stick! In fact I’m not the only first timer and everyone has […]
A Few Words of Trust
On the first day of the international workshop currently being held at Bayswater I was privileged to receive individual instruction from Tony Kwong who is the workshop leader. I had arrived at the workshop after a recent back episode that had left me immobilized and bedridden for a few weeks. X-rays showed that an injury […]
Participant gives thanks to FLKTTC for ongoing fight with Parkinson’s Disease
Thursday February 28, 1985 Branson Hospital 9:30am As I was walking from my car to my appointment at Branson Hospital, I was wishing that I was going skiing instead. The neurologist walked into the examining room. He took one look at me and said, “You have Parkinson Disease!” After lunch, I went to the public […]
Round Table Discussion Helps to Reach Out to People in Need of Tai Chi
This spring the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Hungary held a round table discussion in Budapest on the health benefits of Taoist Tai Chi® arts. Among the participants of the discussion were instructors of the Hungarian TTCS, doctors who are also practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts, and two of our members living with health problems […]
Brisbane Twentieth Anniversary Dinner
Members and special guests in Brisbane, Queensland (Australia), celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Brisbane branch at a dinner on March 10, 2016. We were pleased to be joined by special guests Mr. Duncan Pegg MP, member for Stretton and representing the Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk; Councillor Vicki Howard from Central Ward of the City […]
Active Senior Makes the Most of Every Day in Stratford, Ontario
The benefits of an active lifestyle are well documented in studies. But for living proof look no further than Stratford’s Isabel Plant. A five-day-a-week regular at the city’s branch of Taoist Tai Chi the energetic and charming senior celebrated her 90th birthday with fellow participants at the Ontario Street facility this week. Along with Anneli […]
Images and Testimonials from FLK Week at the International Centre
As a result of corrections in the sitting meditation and in my tai chi, a new part of my back opened up that had been hurting before. — Matt from Oregon You have to pay attention to your task, watch the other people, if you want to learn about something and […]
Dan Yu Challenge Comments From Canada’s Pacific Region
Participants from across Canada are taking part in a six-week national dan yu challenge. One only challenges one’s self to do more dan yu’s, not others. Donations are freely given to support fundraising for the International Center in Florida. Better health for the individual and for the organization is the best reward. Here are some comments from participants in Canada’s Pacific […]
Taoist Tai Chi® arts gave me back my active life
I am a living testimonial that Taoist Tai Chi® arts is a lifestyle practice that everyone can benefit from, regardless of age and physical challenges. Here’s my story. Ten years ago I was in my 50s and enjoying my second adolescence of activity. I ran, swam, cycled and competed in age group triathlons. It was […]
Osteoporosis – an Artist’s Story
In November 2014 I accepted an invitation from the International Directors for an extended stay in Orangeville. The hardest bit was leaving my family for 9 weeks; they are grownups and live independent lives but it was still difficult and I missed the regular contact. We hadn’t been separated for that length of time before; […]
Staying alive…
While many of us are working hard to improve our health, Bob, a participant from Colchester in Great Britain, is just focussing on staying alive. Here is his story: 2 years ago I broke my arm and had to do everything with my left hand. The doctor told me the cause of the break was […]
Mike and Barb Patriquin practice what they teach
In 2001, Barbara Patriquin, had reached a point in her life where, like many others, she found her job stressful. As a healthcare worker she took part in a committee on fall prevention. The topic of Tai Chi came up and the suggestion that it was a proven exercise for better balance and bone density. […]
Taoist Tai Chi helps with “very grim” Parkinson’s challenge
Simple activities like putting on a coat were becoming a challenge for Assunta Scaini as she struggled with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease such as constant tremors, stiffness, fatigue, poor balance and frequent falls. Assunta started practicing Taoist Tai Chi in Toronto 30 years ago. Within just a few weeks she started to feel good again […]
Tai Chi to the Rescue
I knew that this would not be like taking a pill where 20 minutes later you feel better. I understood that this was (and is) a developmental practice, that it takes time. And it takes what we in Taoist Tai Chi call intention. But it didn’t even take a year for the pain in my hip […]
Dan-yu life-saver
My name is Pat and I have been a member of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Great Britain for 15 years and an instructor for 10 years. 5 years ago I had an accident in my car. I woke up just as the airbag was deflating and because the car was tipped on its […]
Taoist Tai Chi® Arts Help Frozen Shoulder
Around April 2014 I developed a frozen right shoulder. Essentially that’s a tightening of the underside of the capsule of the shoulder – in your armpit, so to speak. There are actually changes in the cells of the capsule tissue for a period of about eighteen months (if you are unlucky, it’s longer). The classical […]
Testimonial: Research Proves Experience with Fibromyalgia
As reported in the New York Times and US News & World Report, a small but significant new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows positive results in pain relief from regular practice of tai chi for people suffering from fibromyalgia. One of our members in Australia has personally experienced the positive […]
Testimonial: Full Range of Motion Regained in Spine
In celebration of our 40th anniversary, we asked members around the world to share how the Taoist Tai Chi® arts have affected their lives. “When I started practicing the Taoist Tai Chi® arts I had extremely restricted head movement due to calcification of my upper spine. Within four months I had regained full range of […]
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