The Dragon's Head Blog: Intensive Report from Pleasant Hill, California
The hands lead and the body will follow.
Paul Harmon, our guest instructor from Fairbanks, Alaska recently instructed intensive classes at our Oakland, Sonoma and Pleasant Hill locations. Paul worked with us on our foundations. We received instructions on many of our moves. It will be our homework until the next intensive.
To get ready for the Sunday lunch served after our intensive in Pleasant Hill, vegetables were chopped and prepped during Friday mah jong. We were treated to a wide variety of foods including dim sum.
After lunch on Sunday we were introduced to our newest member, Francesca Peyron. Grandmother Phyllis is ecstatic.
This newsletter is inspiring and keep us in touch in a more real way with what other branches or locations are doing and help expend our mind range of what TTCS offers at many levels.
Also I was looking for an article I read about working together and not owning our classes as instructors. But I may have read it in the Tiger’s eye?
Thank you.