My Self Practice

I came to FLK and Taoist Tai Chi® arts in June 1991, so just 30 years ago.  The time has gone so fast; I feel like I am still a beginner, and I am still a beginner. During the pandemic I was encouraged to practice on my own.  Little by little I learned to stop trying so hard to do it correctly and to just do what I can.  By not trying so hard my balance is better, settling into my very flat feet happens without pain and, despite having COPD, breathing is also more relaxed some of the time.

I have wrestled all my life with anxiety and depression.  Bit by bit my Taoist training has relieved that struggle. I learned that doing dan yus can stop the onset of depression.  Now, on nights when I cannot sleep and get spells of anxiety, doing Taoist Tai Chi®  arts relieves these spells, and they happen less frequently. I am grateful for the weekly international gatherings. The discussion of Master Moy’s teachings has been truly inspiring and has led me to recognize the spiritual path I am on, it is a path that I follow in my not particularly disciplined way, but I have learned to just keep doing it. I am 76 and in fairly good physical shape, but I hope to take my training into the future, learning how to be content with dying. Some days there is a deep sense of joy in being in touch with eternity and the universe.

~ Polly

Polishing the Jade

Listening to our weekly discussions has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be balanced, consistent, and to let go. Doing things with heart, having patience, and self-reflection have opened my eyes to look deeper to appreciate their possible meanings and importance. The tools that are helping me in my physical and chanting practices are also helpful in my decision making and approach to daily life. These sessions have sparked the interest within me to dig deeper. I am gaining a great appreciation for this time with minimal distractions to work at bettering myself, polishing my jade.


First Taoist Tai Chi™ retreats in Europe since the pandemic

First Taoist Tai Chi™ retreats in Europe since the pandemic

A sequence of Taoist Tai Chi™ retreats were held in the Southern European Center in Madrid. 

Participants from all over Europe gathered together and shared Mr Moy’s teachings about the Tao.

The hall was alive with the vibrant joy of meeting old and new friends and sharing all we have learned about his teachings through online Saturday sessions over the last two and a half years. It was amazing to be back in-person and have the opportunity to explore the  depth of his teachings together.

A rich tapestry of stories relating to the practise of his teachings was gradually weaved as participants shared their experiences. Many shared stories about how his teachings have helped them to let go and improve their lives.

Together we practised finding balance, letting go and using the ground force through the 108 moves, the tor-yu and the morning chanting. The feeling deepened throughout the week. Practicing together brought a lot of energy to the group and helped us on our path to follow Mr Moy’s teachings and along with discussion and stories, helped us understand how to bring them more into our daily lives. 

We also got the opportunity to celebrate 40 years of Mr Moy’s teachings in Spain and the 10 year anniversary of the Three Deities Shrine in the Southern European Centre here in Madrid. The story of how his teachings came to Spain was inspiring to hear. 

A member, who is a retired baker, made a beautiful celebratory cake for us to enjoy.

We are grateful to the Fung Loy Kok board for making this opportunity available to us and providing insights that allow us to go deeper.

Double Ninth Festival

On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism chant the Scripture of Filial Piety to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival. Chanting expresses our intention to pay our respects to our elders and to our ancestors, and our wish for everlasting harmony. 


When I started Taoist Tai Chi® practice, there were many things that I had a hard time doing physically without pain; getting dressed, putting my socks on, sitting, getting up, taking long walks … These seemingly small movements affected the quality of my life and even my attitude towards life.

I never thought Taoist Tai Chi® arts would change my life immensely when I stepped into my first class. I remember the question the instructor asked about what we felt after three months of practice.  I realized I was enjoying it despite my pain and I shared the feeling of joy with them. Over time, that joy brought healing and ease to the pain.

When I practice, I explore how to do a movement without triggering pain. Pain becomes a guide. After the session when I return home, I like to repeat the moves and try to catch the same feelings I felt during the session so that I would not forget. Sometimes, I concentrate on just one moment of the movement and work on the feeling. The kick was one of the moves I had a hard time doing properly. When I did it with confidence for the first time, I came home, practiced again and again. I was repeating the kick with such childish joy with a full smiling face, in every direction. Am I doing it perfectly, no! But I can put on my socks standing up now. 

I still have pain and I still have difficulties with many movements. I know that I have plenty of things to learn and work on. When I look back on where I’ve come from, I feel a sense of hope, happiness and gratitude. I can’t thank FLK enough. His teachings made my life much better.


Wong Dai Sin Festival

Participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism around the world chant to celebrate the festival of Wong Dai Sin. He was a simple shepherd who displayed great virtue and is said to have cultivated immortality by practising the Taoist Arts. His story tells us that with a good heart anyone can cultivate themselves through Taoist practice. FLK has a temple specially dedicated to Wong Dai Sin on Steeles Avenue in Toronto that everyone is welcome to visit.  

Mid-Autumn Festival

Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism participants from around the world chant in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The autumn moon is a time when families and friends come together to appreciate what we received over the past year. Together we wish everyone good health and longevity. 

All Souls Festival Reflection

During the All Souls Festival I saw respect and caring for the souls who have passed over and the love and caring that was given through the acts of chanting and the many pledges.  Seeing the altars carefully prepared was beautifully sacred and inspired me to set up my own altar in my home.  This act has brought me peace and reverence. I am so grateful to have been a part of this celebration.

~ Linda

Happy Birthday Felicia

A few days ago we, at the Greater Miami Branch, had a very special celebration. Felicia Ponzano, a participant of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA for the past 28 years, reached her 100th birthday! Not only that, but the week prior to her birthday, she had successfully renewed her precious driver’s license—precious because she cherishes her independence. As she was leaving the office, beaming with happiness with her license in hand, the officer that had just renewed her the license mentioned to those nervous souls waiting for their turn that she was going to be 100 years old. The place came down with applause. They asked her how she keeps so well. Her answer was the same she gives to everyone: “Because I have been doing Taoist Tai Chi for 28 years! ” Felicia is an inspiration to us all.

Portland Branch Participants Offer their First Demo in Over Two Years

On July 16, 2022, members of the Portland Taoist Tai Chi® branch held an all-day demo at TeaFestPDX.  The branch has participated in this event since its inception six years ago and has enjoyed a very positive relationship with the organizers. The event returned this year after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19. 70 vendors of teas, teawares showed up, and visitors could enjoy Asian foods, books, classes on teas, a classic British Tea, and other tea-related exhibits. Fifteen participants from the Portland branch volunteered to make it an energizing and successful event. As usual we served iced pu’erh at our booth.

In previous years the branch offered free, shortened classes that were well attended. Due to COVID, only demos were offered this year. Still, a few attendees couldn’t resist jumping in to move with the group. 

Among the enthusiastic visitors to our booth was a woman who had previously practiced Taoist Tai Chi® arts in Chicago, a young man who had lost contact with us after completing his Beginning Class, and an older man who came to TeaFestPDX specifically to find us. Volunteers enjoyed this opportunity to spend the day together and to reconnect with our community.  

~Judy Weber