新年快樂 身體健康!
Happy New Year from Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism!
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新年快樂 身體健康!
Happy New Year from Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism!
During the pandemic, many participants have been reflecting on their practice and how it has helped them find balance, calm and strength. Explore what they have written here.
Alzheimer’s disease involves a loss of memory, and of other aspects of cognitive functioning. Frequently, emotional well-being is also affected. These changes are profoundly life changing both for the person with Alzheimer’s, and for their family. Worldwide, at least 44 million people are living with some form of dementia.
Regular physical activity and social interaction enable everyone to live a fuller life. Individuals who practice the Taoist Tai Chi® arts report improvements in their cognitive function, and in their emotional well-being, improvements they feel result from their Taoist Tai Chi® practice.
January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month.
As we prepare for Chinese New Year, participants from around the world gathered together virtually to thank the deities for the blessings received over the past year. The ceremony included the chanting of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sutra to pay respect and express gratitude to all deities.
I think of Taoist Tai Chi® practice like eating a bowl of soup. It literally nourishes my body. I sometimes see it as eating a good meal with friends. I feel well fed and relaxed.
Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism wishes everyone a Happy New Year! May 2022 bring peace and harmony to the world.
Coming out of hiding. There are times when, I too, hide behind the mist. The teachings of the Taoist Tai Chi®arts give me the tools to emerge and shine again.
The Saturday Taoist Tai Chi® arts virtual sessions have been instrumental in deepening my understanding of the organization, his teachings, and my own personal practice. Through these sessions and my practice I have come to realize my training not only contributes to my physical well-being, but is relevant to everything in my daily life, allowing me to be more balanced and mindful in all that I do and say.
Having been diligent about my annual mammogram for the past 35 years, I was shocked to be diagnosed with breast cancer recently. (Thankfully, it is early stage.)
What was perhaps equally surprising was the way some people tried to be encouraging by saying things like, “You’re a fighter!” “Give cancer hell!” “You will win this war.” But I did not feel like conducting a war. Instead, I felt that things had spun out of control and I needed calming down. I needed quiet, centeredness, balance, a focused intention and relaxation—the concepts we learn to value through the Taoist Tai Chi® arts. Of course, surgery and radiation are part of the treatment plan. But also on my healing agenda is the quiet strength, mindfulness, meditation, and the balance I’ve learned from our Taoist Tai Chi® practice. For that I am very grateful.
California Branch
Wishing peace, love and joy to all, and across the world.
Season’s greetings from Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism.