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The Dragon's Head Blog

Awareness Day in the Netherlands

Awareness Day in the Netherlands

On Sunday August 27 there were 85 members from all over the Netherlands who gathered in the TTCS centre in Helmond and paraded to the city centre for an afternoon full of demonstrations and trial classes. Many passersby saw us and good conversations were held. Lots of smiling faces were seen the whole day. Everybody […]
Days Four and Five of International Workshop in Helmond, Netherlands

Days Four and Five of International Workshop in Helmond, Netherlands

Saturday was the day of celebrating the Chinese New Year! Before the festivities we were focussed on our practise. After working on wave hands like clouds, Marsha explained what the effect of this movement is on the deepest layers of the muscles. These muscles are reached by practising Taoist Tai Chi®. Taoist Tai Chi® brings […]
Awareness Day in the Netherlands

Awareness Day in the Netherlands

On Sunday August 28, in a parade we went to downtown Helmond to celebrate Awareness Day in the Netherlands. The colourful balloons and the silver t-shirts were shining in the sun. All the shops were open, the terraces were full, live blues music played next to our demo spot, and there was an Oldsmobile car festival […]
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