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The Dragon's Head Blog

Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska
Tai Chi heatwave in Colchester, GB

Tai Chi heatwave in Colchester, GB

There was a Tai Chi heatwave in the UK as over one-hundred-and-fifty participants gathered for the five-day International Programme in Colchester.  The heat truly was a friend, as it softened muscles, tendons and ligaments, enabling everyone to work more deeply into their bodies through the danyu and toryu. The heat also worked to slow our brains, […]
The quiet centre of the workshop – Colchester, GB

The quiet centre of the workshop – Colchester, GB

Days 3 and 4 reach that wonderful quietness when everyone has connected more with their centre, and is harmoniously engaging with their tai chi neighbours in the rich and varied life of the programme: Morning chanting …. Tai chi instruction and practise …. Lunch and clear away …. Tai chi instruction and practise, deeper, quieter […]
Tai Chi internals – Colchester, GB

Tai Chi internals – Colchester, GB

At our Home in Colchester, GB, a hundred participants gather for a spring 5-day international programme. After breakfast and before the programme starts, a chance to practise chanting, with the 10,000 Buddha’s sutra. The tai chi instruction follows some simple themes to access the internals. Participants put the instructions into practice, with help and guidance, […]
International Workshop in Colchester

International Workshop in Colchester

There’s a 3-day International programme running in Colchester. The second day started with chanting after breakfast and some tai chi. We’re working on using the spine to generate movement, finding the circles in those movements – looking for the feeling, rather than focusing on the 108 moves of our tai chi Set. And we’re working […]
Celebrating International Seniors Day in Great Britain

Celebrating International Seniors Day in Great Britain

Branches across the UK celebrated International Seniors Day with an array of Open Houses, coffee mornings and tea parties.  Demonstrations of our tai chi, presentations of the health benefits of Taoist Tai Chi TM practice and personal testimonials were shared with members and guests around the country; the emphasis being valuing older people and recognising […]
Up Down Same Time in Colchester, GB

Up Down Same Time in Colchester, GB

After an incredible five days of Taoist Tai Chi® teaching, the 150 participants had much to take away with them and incorporate into their own practice. Throughout the foundations and moves we worked on, there was an emphasis on ‚up-down-same-time’, through the dropping of the elbows and coccyx and the rising of the spine from […]
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