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The Dragon's Head Blog

Mezinárodní programy
Weekend Program – International Center Florida

Weekend Program – International Center Florida

Letting the light in and throwing out the trash! (from our bodies of course) Participants at the 2 day International workshop at International Center Florida learning anti-aging methods like loading up and elbows down. The circulation was moving as spines were turning. We worked on our cardiovascular health, and full body chain of motion. The […]
International Workshop in Colchester

International Workshop in Colchester

There’s a 3-day International programme running in Colchester. The second day started with chanting after breakfast and some tai chi. We’re working on using the spine to generate movement, finding the circles in those movements – looking for the feeling, rather than focusing on the 108 moves of our tai chi Set. And we’re working […]
Seniors Week and International Seniors Day Celebrated at the International Center Florida

Seniors Week and International Seniors Day Celebrated at the International Center Florida

QUOTES FROM PARTICIPANTS IN INTERNATIONAL SENIORS WEEK, NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018   SENIORS WEEK PROGRAM:   My first workshop since starting in February this year.  Not too surprised to see so many seniors, but still amazed at their abilities.  Wonderful to have in-depth instruction and to participate in discussions on how we are individually being helped.  […]
Experiences from the International Program in Tauranga, New Zealand, October 2018

Experiences from the International Program in Tauranga, New Zealand, October 2018

84 people attended this amazing workshop.  One participant said that she had gained a deeper understanding of the form and why the moves are done the way they are.  There was much talk of tailbones and intention, circles and standing straight.  Participants described it as the friendliest gathering they have ever attended, and a couple of our Australian visitors particularly enjoyed the ginger crunch, saying […]
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