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The Dragon's Head Blog

Good News for Cross-Canada Seniors’ Day

Good News for Cross-Canada Seniors’ Day

As locations across Canada get ready for Cross-Canada Seniors’ Day next week on June 9, a new meta-analysis suggests tai chi can lower blood pressure in older people as effectively as drugs or aerobic exercise. Researchers also found that the reduction in systolic blood pressure was greater in people who performed tai chi more frequently. […]
Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi Day Proclamation in Oshawa, Ontario

Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi Day Proclamation in Oshawa, Ontario

On May 27th, 2016 in the city of Oshawa, Ontario, FLK Taoist Tai Chi Day was proclaimed for the third year. . A number of Durham participants of the Toronto branch gathered at the Civic Centre of Oshawa City Hall to do Taoist Tai Chi, following which Mayor John Henry made the declaration.  We were pleased that […]
Celebrating 20 Years in Costa Rica

Celebrating 20 Years in Costa Rica

Celebrating 20 years of Taoist Tai Chi® in Costa Rica with more than 70% of our membership plus 27 participants from Australia, Aruba, Canada, USA, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands, was a great experience. The preparation of the international programme, the reception and the banquet taught us a lot about participating, working together, communicating, coordinating and exploring things […]
Radio Station Features Fung Loy Kok in Windsor, Ontario

Radio Station Features Fung Loy Kok in Windsor, Ontario

As a charitable organization the Fung Loy Kok Windsor branch was invited by a local radio station to do three programs this year. The station covers all of the Windsor – Detroit area and beyond and has a very large listening audience. On May 21, 2016 two representatives from the Windsor branch spoke on a local radio station […]
International Intensive in Brussels, Belgium

International Intensive in Brussels, Belgium

They all knew it would be a very special night.  So they came from all locations across Belgium and also from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Hungary and Canada. In total 50 people attended the program, for Marsha Eberhardt, President of the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism was visiting Brussels to lead a very […]
Donation highlight at Mother’s Day banquet

Donation highlight at Mother’s Day banquet

The Mother’s Day banquet in Toronto had special significance this year, with the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism presenting a cheque for $50,000 to Red Cross Canada to help those suffering from a massive wildfire afflicting the Fort McMurray area in Alberta. FLK also pledged to raise another $50,000 and each location across Canada […]
Brunches familials printaniers dans les sections

Brunches familials printaniers dans les sections

Dimanche le 1er mai dernier, les sections ont célébré le printemps avec le brunch familial! Dans une ambiance très sympathique, les invités ont été accueillis avec des tables pleines de nourriture et ont pu faire l’essai des arts taoïstes: le tai chi, le tai chi au sabre, le tai chi à l’épée, le Lok Hup […]
Tampa Bay Times Article- Dunedin’s Historic Fenway Hotel to become public, boutique hotel

Tampa Bay Times Article- Dunedin’s Historic Fenway Hotel to become public, boutique hotel

Tampa Bay Times Article – DUNEDIN — The revamping of the historic Fenway Hotel has long been a dream for residents and city leaders. By next spring, when the 1920s building is expected to once again open its doors to the public, developers say that dream will become reality. The building’s owner, Taoist Tai Chi […]
Collingwood, Ontario Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Collingwood, Ontario Celebrates 20th Anniversary

A late spring afternoon was the perfect day for 96 participants to carpool from the Collingwood branch’s satellite locations to the Meaford auditorium for an extended Monday class. Participants were divided into groups to perform 20 tai chi sets back to back. With two sets being performed at all times, participants were able to join […]
Horseshoe Region Lok Hup Weekend, March 5 – 6, 2016

Horseshoe Region Lok Hup Weekend, March 5 – 6, 2016

On March 5 and 6, 2016, many months of planning by the Horseshoe branches (Burlington, Brantford, Hamilton, Oakville and Niagara) came to a successful conclusion with the first National Program hosted at the Horseshoe Centre  in St. Catharines, Ontario – a Lok Hup Weekend – led by Serge Ferland from Montreal.  56 participants from 12 […]
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