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The Dragon's Head Blog

Health Benefits
Doing the ‚impossible‘ and helping others

Doing the ‚impossible‘ and helping others

„The fact that you can do something that you’re told is impossible gives you hope.“ Providence Healthcare, which provides rehabilitation, palliative care, long-term care and community programs in Toronto, has just published a story in its Outlook magazine about long-time Taoist Tai Chi® arts participant Assunta Sciani.   Assunta, who has had Parkinson’s Disease for […]
Volunteering – it’s good for your health

Volunteering – it’s good for your health

Researcher Stephen Post has told CBC’s Tapestry program about studies showing the psychological and physical effects of being kind. Post,  a professor of medicine at Stony Brook University in New York, has written about the „helper’s high“ and his research looks at the effects of being helpful and volunteering on things like pain management and […]
Fung Loy Kok Portugal at NATURALES MEDICINAE Congress

Fung Loy Kok Portugal at NATURALES MEDICINAE Congress

The society in Portugal was invited to maintain a stand and offer a presentation and demonstration in Lisbon on the 27th and 28th of May at the V Congress and Health Expo NATURALES MEDICINAE themed Intervention in Pain: Other Knowledges, Other Practices. The motto of the event was to make available information on the potentialities and […]
Becoming the captain of your soul

Becoming the captain of your soul

It matters not how strait the gate How charged with punishment the scroll, I am a master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.                 (from Invictus, W. E. Henley)   Hello, my name is Simona and since last year I decided to commit to the practice of Tai Chi because I […]
Chanting for Health in Costa Rica

Chanting for Health in Costa Rica

During the last fortnight we were fortunate to have two opportunities to explore chanting for health in two-hour sessions on Saturday afternoons. We chant sutras twice a week at the clubhouse, but these sessions provide another type of opportunity to gain an introduction to these arts. For some it was the first experience of chanting […]
Kingston 40th anniversary in the news

Kingston 40th anniversary in the news

The Kingston Heritage has reported on a demo tour by Kingston participants in Ontario, Canada, to celebrate their 40th anniversary. “We wanted to get out in the community and really show people what we are all about,”  Kingston branch leader Terry Kirkham told the news organisation. “We want to share what we do and the […]
Tai chi fares well in cross-fit comparison

Tai chi fares well in cross-fit comparison

Time is reporting that while tai chi may look mundane—even boring to some—experts who’ve studied it say its benefits are vast and hard to oversell. It also holds up when compared to other more strenuous types of exercise. It says one study in the American Journal of Epidemiology concluded that tai chi was nearly as […]
Survey confirms tai chi helps back pain

Survey confirms tai chi helps back pain

A new survey by American magazine Consumer Reports  of more than 3500 adults who have had back pain in the last three years confirms that tai chi helps provide relief. Nearly 90 per cent of respondents who used tai chi for back pain (or yoga or a similar exercise) found it helpful. In comparison, only […]
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