The Dragon's Head Blog
To Your Health! A Plentiful Evening in Longueuil, Canada
Friday, April 7, just before 7 pm. The air is full of excitement at the regional centre in Longueuil, Québec. It is a very special evening as the region open its doors to the public and our Members of Parliament. Within this new format, it is once again an excellent opportunity for us to present […]
Relaxing a Little Bit More in Winnipeg, Canada
On April 8 and 9 Winnipeg was thrilled to host a national program. The practice hall was full of positive people and positive energy. Old friendships were cemented and new ones were created as we learned together, dined together and shared our homes as billetees and billeters. There were people who travelled from Saskatchewan, Ontario […]
Sword Workshop at International Centre, Orangeville
It has been a real privilege to attend the tai chi sword workshop here at the International Centre near Orangeville, Canada. Our instructor (and chef!) Blaise Baillargeon led us through the sword set, teaching each move with very calm and clear instruction. The workshop began with none other than the humble danyu! Blaise was demonstrating […]
Je suis d’érable (I am maple)
After 13 years of practising Taoist Tai Chi® arts in Denmark, I finally had the opportunity to come to our center in Orangeville. I arrived on March 17th which was in the middle of the maple syrup season and Jesse, a resident volunteer who picked me up at the airport, was happy to tell me all […]
Celebrating the Chinese New Year in Grande Prairie, Alberta
Grande Prairie, Alberta is the home of Fung Loy Kok’s most northern branch in Canada. There we celebrated the Chinese New Year with a regional program and banquet on March 17-19. Instructors from Red Deer and Edmonton led thirteen happy participants in learning more about the Taoist Tai Chi® arts. On Saturday evening we […]
Approved! – First ISD Activity
FLKTTC Directors have invited branches around the world to submit their plans for seniors-related activities during the week leading up to Sunday Oct. 1st, 2017, International Seniors Day. These events will be the forerunner to a live video on Oct 1st, which is also the United Nations International Day for Older Persons, a video that […]
Celebrating the Chinese New Year in Edmonton, Alberta
Many hands made light and beautiful work. Our branch main location was polished, and draped in red and gold. Volunteers created centerpieces of origami roosters, roses and tulips. The upstairs practice space was transformed to a reception and silent auction space for the pre-banquet appie hour mingling. Drums of the lion dancers called us […]
New Summary of Tai Chi Research to Share with Health Care Professionals
As a physician, I have been fascinated to observe the benefits of practising the Taoist Tai Chi® arts in myself and others. There is no simple scientific explanation for this. However, scientific studies can observe its effects. In 2014 at my first workshop, I asked the instructor, Dr. Bruce McFarlane, whether research had been done and he […]
Chinese New Year Celebration in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Two major February storms could not dampen a joyous celebration of Chinese New Year in St. John’s on February 18. The weekend began with an instructors’ development session on Friday night, and Saturday’s intensive had us working hard on toryus, danyus and parting wild horse’s mane. We also learned how to host […]
Chinese New Year Banquet in Winnipeg, Canada
The leaflet on the table read “The Year of the Rooster Personality – Active, amusing and popular within a crowd… Roosters are talkative, outspoken, frank, open, honest and loyal.” The room reflected this positive rooster energy as we celebrated. It was alive with laughter, conversation, love and community, and it enveloped us. Almost 100 people […]
Maple Syrup Season is Upon Us and We Seek Your Help in Orangeville
Calling all maple fans. The season is off to an early start and we would greatly appreciate your help. Trees need tapping and new lines need to be set up. The fire needs tending, the bottles must be labelled and filled. All tasks are lighter with more hands and there is no finer way to […]
Chinese New Year Celebration in Canada’s Atlantic Region
A busy weekend at the Atlantic Regional Centre began with a day-long program and culminated with a splendid Chinese New Year banquet. A cocktail hour with wine and hors d’oeuvres was lively, filling the room with laughter and talk as members mingled with guests and invited dignitaries. A couple of talented members entertained us, Maritime style, with songs […]
National Program Report from Calgary, Canada
It is amazing how light we can feel by focusing on being heavy in our feet. That is only one of the insights gained from the recent Calgary National Program on February 3 and 4. Braving the snow and cold of a winter storm, 88 eager participants came together from Alberta and Saskatchewan to receive […]
Snow Shoveling as Practical Taoist Training
Participants in Vancouver, Canada took part in some very practical tor-yu training to help make the Pacific Region Centre more accessible during a recent snowfall. The 10-20 cm accumulation of the seasonal white stuff was wet and heavy but not too daunting for the early birds arriving for Saturday morning class.
Lok Hup Ba Fa in Ottawa, Canada
What a wonderful weekend in Canada’s capital, Ottawa, to try Lok Hup Ba Fa, another of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts. Under Joé Thibault’s guidance we relaxed and enjoyed the experience of learning this art, some of us for the first time. With the room at full capacity the energy was amazing with everyone working […]
Largest Workshop in Victoria, Canada
The Victoria centre filled with over 160 people, bringing a lively sense of bonhomie as these gatherings do. They were here for a National Workshop and Chinese New Year banquet, and came from all over British Columbia, Canada, with a few from further afield, for exampe, Ontario and even Australia. The workshop was led by […]
Chinese New Year Celebrations at Wong Dai Sin
Toronto Wong Dai Sin just celebrated the year of the Rooster at midnight. Well attended by the local Chinese community. The next celebration of the new year will be the Lantern Festival & Lighting Ceremony. FLK will follow the Chinese tradition, and will host the festival in Orangeville on February 11th, 2017 with a delicious […]
Canadian Health Questionnaire Preliminary Findings
Thank you to the 6,000+ participants who completed the health questionnaire. Your support to this project made it an overwhelming success and provided our organization with a wealth of information demonstrating the benefits of Taoist Tai Chi® practice. A Preliminary Report is now available in the Downloads section at The link can also be […]
Closing out the Year with a Tai Chi Radio Broadcast
The last day of 2016 found participants from the Windsor, Ontario branch speaking on a local radio station about the benefits of Taoist Tai Chi® arts. The results of our recent health survey was one of the main topics of discussion. The radio station covers all the Windsor – Detroit area and beyond and has a very […]
International Centre Anniversary Photo Contest 2017
To celebrate the Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi® 47th Anniversary & The Quiet Cultivation Centre 10th Anniversary in 2017, we are hosting a Facebook photo contest. What: Photo submissions should be of the EXTERIOR or INTERIOR of the Fung Loy Kok International Centre, a temple near Orangeville situated on a beautiful 100 acres of land. […]
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