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The Dragon's Head Blog: Inspiration From Our Seniors

International Seniors Day brought our Taoist Tai Chiarts family together across oceans and time zones, with joy evident as stories were shared on how seniors contribute to our lives and our organisation.

Seniors also told of the many gifts they receive, including gaining a sense of purpose, energy and vitality, continual learning and growing, deep connections, and becoming stronger and more resilient both physically and emotionally.
International Seniors Day was marked on October 1 – the same day as the United Nations Year of the Older Person.
These are just a few of the comments from those who participated in and watched the livestream of our ISD video link-up, which has already  been watched more than 2000 times on YouTube:
“ We had a small group who attended the day, however all were amazed at the quality of the video presentation, the ease and flexibility of changing the order of presentation when a problem arose, and someone commented, ‚That was so cool. They didn’t even seem to be flustered.‘
We also had a councillor representing the City of Winnipeg who came for breakfast, stayed for the video, and was clearly moved by the video as he gave remarks where he said, “ This was so enlightening. I had no idea of the benefits.” He even stayed to be part of a set, and asked to be informed of other events in the Winnipeg Branch.
This was wonderful.“ – Winnipeg
„It was very moving and inspiring to connect together and hear so many wonderful stories.“ – Great Britain
„Just watched the livestream and was moved to tears. The program was so well knitted together, continuing to expand on who we are and what we do. Thank you, thank you!  Here in Ithaca we have and are having over 10 programs with different groups in the area. It has been a joy reaching out and including these people in our activities. We won’t stop doing this.“ – Ithaca
„We had 90 people in the building for breakfast, the video program, live speakers, and a tai chi intensive. We showed the first half of the video program, broke for live speakers and testimonials, then showed the second half of the video. For the first half, everyone was seated at the breakfast tables, and paid rapt attention, laughing (at appropriate moments) and enjoying themselves.  While we played the second half of the video, some shifting of tables and chairs, and general cleanup was happening in the room, yet 20 or more participants gathered around the video screen and closely watched each minute until the end. Overall we had a very successful event, and the video playback was a key component.“ – Portland
„Everything on our end was so ready. And it rolled on as planned. The Mayor was spot on with her remarks,  our local audience was happy and she was happy to be with us. We had two Commissioners with her during the „not so live“ moment and we simply kept going with our script so the participants were engaged in the five-minute event as it was supposed to be. Thus supporting the Mayor being there and being able to graciously thank her …
The rest of our day was terrific, another commissioner came for our lunch and program. Program was good. Excellent health recovery stories from two people and great speakers. Fabulous food. We always learn …“ – Florida

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