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The Dragon's Head Blog

Tai Chi Sword at the International Centre in Florida

Tai Chi Sword at the International Centre in Florida

The International Centre in Florida hosted its first Tai Chi Sword Workshop with 114 participants. Over the three days, the workshop participants enjoyed practicing the Sword set both indoors and outdoors. As there was such a good turn out, it was sometimes necessary to separate into two groups to accommodate the swords! The workshop leader, Karen […]
Seniors‘ Week at the International Centre, May 11-15, 2015

Seniors‘ Week at the International Centre, May 11-15, 2015

For five days, under the leadership of Verity Rolfe, we discovered our centres, learned to look far, and pressed and balanced our way through don-yus, tor-yus, snakes and several moves. The results were obvious as our sets became calmer and much more together. A nice balance of large and small group activities with simple, clear […]
No Hurry at Brisbane International Workshop

No Hurry at Brisbane International Workshop

The five-day International workshop held recently in Brisbane Queensland had the highest number of attendees so far at an Australian workshop. There were 191 participants doing Taoist Tai Chi® arts, creating an atmosphere of gentle, calming purpose…..No Hurry!! Our worldwide membership was evident with people attending from New Zealand, Canada, Costa Rica and most parts of Australia. […]
Note on Anatomy and Physiology: Suppleness of Focus

Note on Anatomy and Physiology: Suppleness of Focus

We’ve concentrated a lot lately on the upper limbs. We’ve emphasized that, because the hands form one end of a number of continuities running through the body, their proper use has a significant impact on all our movements. But the hands, although intimately connected to the centre, are situated out in the periphery. While they […]
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