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The Dragon's Head Blog: Update from the International Center Florida


The Plan

The new International Center is a five acre property made up of four structures. The main building, at the Fenway, called  Building „A“ will have a grand lobby, meeting room, dining room, a kitchen and 102 rooms for accommodations. Building “B” because of its condition had to be demolished shortly after purchase. Building „C“ is a two story building and will house the temple and administrative offices as well as a number of washrooms. Building „D“ is a three bedroom house. Building “E“, now the home of the Dunedin Branch will become a 14,000 sq ft practice hall.


Happening Now….. 

Building „A“, The Historic Fenway – Interior demolition of plaster and lath was completed at the beginning of May to expose the structural and framing repairs that are needed. That work plus new roof and windows is scheduled to begin in June. Tenting of the entire 53,000 sq ft building for treatment of termites was completed last week.




Building „C“– Interior demolition was completed the beginning of May along with a new coat of paint.


Building „D“ – Building cleaned, and repaired to now be fully usable.


Building „E“ – Building cleaned, repaired and serves as the new home of the Dunedin Branch for regular classes. A number of international programs have also been held in the building and we are happy to welcome the community. We eagerly anticipate the arrival of our new dragon bike rack. Watch for pictures soon!



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