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50th Anniversary Open Class @ Rond Terrace – All Welcome

Beginn: Feb. 2. 2020, 9:00 am

Ende: Feb. 2. 2020, 10:00 am

Wo: Canberra - Rond Terrace
Rond Terrace
Parkes, Australian Capital Territory

Notizen: Rond Terrace and Commonwealth Park are part of the Parliament House Vista, and provide a green backdrop to Lake Burley Griffin

Tel: +61 2 6249 6117

Gebührenfrei: 1800 108 801

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Try a complimentary Taoist Tai Chi® class in 2020 at one of our open classes in the great Aussie outdoors at 50 locations around Australia. All welcome.

Looking for other similar events happening around Australia?

See more @ www.taoisttaichi.org/50australia/

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Canberra – Rond TerraceRond Terrace - Parkes
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