The Dragon's Head Blog
Actualizaciones Nacionales
Gratefully Turning Away From Worry
New Zealand held its first one-day National Retreat since the pandemic at the Bay of Plenty Branch’s new premises at the Tauranga Racecourse in the middle of October. There was a buzz of excitement as participants from across New Zealand arrived and friends greeted one another face to face for the first time in two […]
First Taoist Tai Chi™ retreats in Europe since the pandemic
First Taoist Tai Chi™ retreats in Europe since the pandemic A sequence of Taoist Tai Chi™ retreats were held in the Southern European Center in Madrid. Participants from all over Europe gathered together and shared Mr Moy’s teachings about the Tao. The hall was alive with the vibrant joy of meeting old and new friends […]
Happy Birthday Felicia
A few days ago we, at the Greater Miami Branch, had a very special celebration. Felicia Ponzano, a participant of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA for the past 28 years, reached her 100th birthday! Not only that, but the week prior to her birthday, she had successfully renewed her precious driver’s license—precious […]
Portland Branch Participants Offer their First Demo in Over Two Years
On July 16, 2022, members of the Portland Taoist Tai Chi® branch held an all-day demo at TeaFestPDX. The branch has participated in this event since its inception six years ago and has enjoyed a very positive relationship with the organizers. The event returned this year after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19. 70 vendors […]
Deep, and still light
The ability to let go, that we train, extends to letting go of having – there, somewhere – a goal to achieve: in fact, you finally find out that the goal is the path itself, where we commit to keep walking, along with so many (and so much different) others and with his wise […]
Music and Jongs
I am a professional musician and Taoist Tai Chi® practice keeps me in shape physically. It helps me not get injured, keeps me elastic, and somehow keeps my body working even if I’m nervous. The hand movements are particularly good for my playing. This is all very important for me. ~Oren Video Player
Double Ninth Festival
On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism chanted the Scripture of Filial Piety to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival. Chanting expresses our intention to pay our respects to our elders and to our ancestors, and our wish for everlasting harmony.
Helps with stress, better sleep.
I had high stress, high anxiety, lots of pain, and very poor sleep. I was a mess and my lifestyle was not healthy. Almost by chance I tried out a Taoist Tai ChiⓇ arts class. I noticed very soon after that my anxiety was more manageable and my pain started to go away so I could sleep […]
Finding Harmony 3
Liseth W. of our Costa Rica affiliate brushes knees at Manuel Antonio Beach on the Central Pacific Coast in Costa Rica. Please send images of your self practice—ideally with a local landmark or other indication of your location —along with your name, branch, location, and permission to publish to We cannot guarantee publication, but […]
Arthritis Awareness
My arthritis is called ankylosing spondylitis and it affects my spine. When the inflammation is happening, it’s very painful.
I’ve been doing Taoist Tai Chi® arts ever since I was first diagnosed, and that’s what I mostly use to manage the pain. It keeps me moving … and if I don’t move, I seize up. My […]
Finding Harmony 2
“Wherever you are, you can find a danyu bar.” – Rich P. of Dunedin, FL, doing assisted danyus at Lobster Buoy campsite in South Thomaston, Maine Please send images of your self practice—ideally with a local landmark or other indication of your location —along with your name, branch, location, and permission to publish to We […]
Taoist Tai Chi® practice and weightlifting
I have been practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts consistently since I turned 28. Now 22 years later and through many years of competing nationally and internationally as an Olympic-style weightlifter and powerlifter, I find that Taoist Tai Chi® practice is an integral part of my physical, mental and spiritual health. I am proud of my history as an […]
Finding Harmony
Brendan F. of Buffalo, NY, takes Taoist Tai Chi® arts to new heights at the Grand Canyon. Please send images of your self practice—ideally with a local landmark or other indication of your location —along with your name, branch, location, and permission to publish to We cannot guarantee publication, but we will try our […]
Working in Harmony
“When I’m playing, everything is working in harmony. Mind, body, music. Harmony and dissonance are so important in music. Taoist Tai Chi® practice has enriched my idea of harmony and everything working together. I can feel when it’s all coming together.” ~Oren, NYC
All Souls Festival 15 – Synopsis
Throughout the vast world May there be no anxiety and no hindrance. The cycles of death and life go on; What else could there be? If you go when you must go, How could you not be at ease? Turn your mind to the Tao And deliverance will quickly come! Chant encouraging souls of the departed to let go of attachments and […]
All Souls Festival 14 – Cymbals
The last day of All Souls Festival brought together the caring intention of a thousand people chanting for the world and for those who have passed away. The ceremony leader reads a notice to the multitude of gathered souls, marked with a loud crash of cymbals!
All Soul’s Festival 13-Memorial Altar Offerings
In traditional Taoist belief, souls of the dead continue to need care from those in the world of living. Offerings to them include items for daily use such as food, shelter, clothing and money.
Festividad de Todas las Almas 12 – Incienso
Hay un dicho chino que dice: «Cuando los muertos estén en paz, los vivos prosperarán». Al honrar y ayudar a los muertos durante la Festividad de Todas las almas, esperamos reducir el sufrimiento y traer bendiciones en los mundos de los vivos y los muertos. Las ofrendas de incienso durante la Festividad de Todas […]
Festividad de Todas las Almas 11 – Preparativos
Mientras nos preparamos para la Festividad de Todas las almas, nos componemos
Abordamos las tareas con una intención respetuosa
Con cuidado, y con reverencia, colocamos los objetos en el altar
Flores, fruta, Jai, té, vino
Encendemos el incienso
Es silencioso, tranquilo
Al cierre es alegre. ¿Puedo abordar mi vida con la misma intención y […]
Festividad de Todas las Almas 10 – Traer la Paz
La Festividad de Todas las Almas es una oportunidad para llevar la paz a las innumerables almas que, a lo largo de los siglos, han muerto en circunstancias de gran sufrimiento y no tienen a nadie que las cuide.
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