The Dragon's Head Blog
Actualizaciones Nacionales
Seguir adelante a pesar de…
Llevo varios años practicando las artes del Taoist Tai Chi®. Un amigo me animó a intentarlo, y todavía lo estoy intentando. Una de las características maravillosas del Tai Chi taoísta es que siempre estás «probándolo», ¡nunca puedes decir que ya está! Fue una curva de aprendizaje bastante empinada para mí como principiante, tengo una pérdida […]
Sentirme más como yo solía ser
Noto que, los días en que he hecho los fundamentos, me siento impulsada a levantarme y hacer más al día siguiente. Cuando me pierdo días, tengo menos energía para volver a hacerlo. También he intentado esta semana limitarme a detener cada movimiento antes de cansarme, en lugar de seguir adelante. En cuanto a las tablas, […]
Historias Personales – Holanda
Sentada en una silla haciendo mi tai chi. A mediados de julio me caí de la bicicleta y me rompí la rodilla izquierda. De repente, mi vida se detuvo y tomó otra dirección. Mi vida pasó de ser una persona muy activa a tener el paso de un caracol. Después de que el Covid-19 llegara […]
Reflexiones personales sobre los cantos
“En los cantos del sábado me di cuenta de que realmente estaba abriendo mi mandíbula cuando cantaba. Todavía me falta la pronunciación, pero toda mi cara estaba haciendo ejercicio. No solemos pensar en ejercitar los músculos de la cabeza cuando practicamos nuestro Tai Chi. Este sábado encontré que la apertura de la boca era más […]
Praktyka chantingu
Praktyka chantingu To był mój drugi raz, gdy brałam udział w chantingu on-line. I takie wyzwanie! 60 stron! No pogubię się i co będzie!A tu wielka niespodzianka dla mnie samej – śpiewałam cały czas. Nie było żadnych problemów. Nawet jak internet się zawieszał to szło dalej gładko. Ale jest jeszcze jeden niezwykły dla mnie skutek. […]
Solo practice at the Carnival of Flowers – Toowoomba, Australia
Magical spring time has arrived in Toowoomba and the parks are looking spectacular with a massive display of flowers of all colours. Janita Adams from the Toowoomba Branch has found a quiet spot to practice some tai chi amongst the flowers in Laurel Bank Park. Because of COVID-19 things are very different this year. Usually […]
Personal Practice – USA
Solo practice has changed and deepened both my acceptance of change and my Taoist Tai Chi® practice. It has been fascinating to notice how my daily practice changes. It’s not “just the tai chi” but also where it fits in my life. In the last week I have begun to do a whole set first thing […]
Individual, daily practice – because it works…
Around five months before lockdown, I moved somewhere where there are no classes for Taoist Tai ChiTM arts… the tai chi desert! So for me zoom class calls during lockdown have actually been an improvement on the amount of input I usually get! We talk a bit about how we’re all getting on, which is […]
A journey starts with a single step…TRUST!
I’ve been doing Taoist Tai Chi for nearly 3 years and it’s the only thing I’ve found that really helps with my fibromyalgia symptoms, so during the pandemic it’s been important to keep up regular practice on my own. The weekly Zoom calls with my class have been very helpful with motivation to keep practising, […]
Times that require change… Tiempos que exigen cambiar…
«Let’s not pretend that things change, if we always do the same …» These wise words that I read many years ago, I am understanding better in this surprising time of pandemic. The great medicine that I have had to incorporate with greater discipline into my new life routine are the Taoist Tai Chi® Arts, […]
All Souls Festival Reflections
Last Saturday, the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism offered an opportunity to observe and or participate in the All Souls Festival in a live online format following the weekly chanting opportunity. Being familiar with some other traditions for the deceased, I was intrigued and curious but intended to just » stay for awhile». Long […]
A happy constraint
I must say that, until recently, I was not constant in my individual practice: a few exercises and only occasionally, given that our club was there for practicing with the others, so …The lockdown made it impossible to practice in a group and therefore practicing alone was the only option. It was a happy constraint […]
Reflections on practising alone together
Going out to a Tai Chi class had been a staple of my weekly routine for so many years, I couldn’t imagine how it would feel without that physical link to the Society, the meeting with other members, and the practising together. I’ve always practised regularly at home, but I’ve now realised I’d been doing […]
Personal Practice – USA
The Joy of Tai Chi «Saturday morning chanting and discussions have been my source of Taoist Tai Chi ® practice during the pandemic. I appreciated encouraging words from the international leaders by sharing Master Moy and his teaching. I have a little deeper understanding of confidence, trust and less worry each time I listen. And Tallahassee branch zoom meetings on […]
More lockdown discoveries…
I took part in the danyu challenge and did over 2,500. I really enjoyed doing it and all my aches and pains vanished. One night just after I had completed the challenge I tripped over my big labrador dog and fell flat on my face. I am 65. I lay a minute waiting to see […]
Personal Practice in the Netherlands
In the beginning of the Corona lockdown I felt stressed and unsettled. In some ways, I was busier than ever with my family, struggling with limited energy, leaving me less and fragmented time to practice. Participating for the first time in the «Chanting for the World» immediately calmed me down and made me very quiet. […]
a set-saver on the wall
I work in an Epidemiology Department so, from the very beginning, the lock-down found me in so called smart working, meaning working at home with a big load, many hours a day, seven days a week. Tense and tired, I started practicing foundations, every now and then during the day, just to stretch and slow […]
Personal practice in France
Personal practice during the quarantine I have been practicing Taoist Tai Chi for almost three years. I won’t list the myriad benefits it has given me, in terms of both physical and mental health and the changes in my life, as it would take too long to list them all. During confinement, I continued to […]
Chanting messages
I would like to say a big «thank you» for the Chanting sessions on Zoom. My Tai Chi journey started in October 2018 when I went along to my first beginners class. I found it challenging to maintain my practice since the classes were paused. I have had the time to be able to reflect […]
Finding direction in different ways
When you practice by yourself, there’s no-one else to rely on – you have to be your own instructor! My lovely instructors both said ‘Find a move or something to improve, and make it your Tai Chi Lockdown Challenge’! I decided that mine would be to learn the entire set! Although I have been practicing for […]
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