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The Dragon's Head Blog

Centro del Sur de Europa, Madrid
Expanding in Body and Mind

Expanding in Body and Mind

Participants from 13 countries gathered at the Taoist Tai Chi™ retreat in the Southern European Center in Madrid.  Although the days are getting shorter and darker here in December the hall was warm and colourful vibrating with the energy and joy from all the participants sharing Mr Moy’s teachings about the Tao. After the first set we […]
International program in the Southern European Center with banquet of the Chinese New Year

International program in the Southern European Center with banquet of the Chinese New Year

It was a splendid banquet and we were honored with the attendance of several representatives from different countries and associations of the field of health, all that in a festive and cheerful atmosphere. Both the organization and the realization of the banquet were carried out by volunteer members from thirteen different countries. We also had […]
Renovations Update from Southern European Centre

Renovations Update from Southern European Centre

Renovations at the Southern European Centre have sped up. The photos show the progress in the different areas, including the new kitchen and dishwashing area, the wall between the hall and main dorm, the main dorm and the sewage system.  As with any renovations, changes occur due to unexpected issues that arise. However, everything seems […]
Renovating the Southern European Centre

Renovating the Southern European Centre

It was a busy weekend at the Southern European Centre: a rich intensive with around 30 members from different branches, followed by a refreshing and nutritious meal. And for the rest of the weekend, many helping hands to finish clearing things up so all the areas are ready for the renovations. But, of course, we still […]
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