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The Dragon's Head Blog

Programas Internacionales
International Workshop in Portland, Oregon

International Workshop in Portland, Oregon

On the last weekend of September the Oregon Branch hosted its 5th annual International Workshop.  Ninety-five participants attended from Canada, Mexico, and many corners of the USA.  We listened intently as Jim Nicholson of Vancouver, BC instructed us in the practice of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts.  We were invited to relax and listen to […]
It’s the Natural Way

It’s the Natural Way

It’s the natural way. This was our motto at the International Workshop in Budapest in 17-18 September.  With Carmen Capilla’s lead there were 170 members enjoying the benefits of Taoist Tai Chi®. We could all practice to take the time in finding our center, standing up fully or to take the time to open, and […]
‘What are you working on?’

‘What are you working on?’

Day One of the five-day International Program being held at the International Centre Florida brought enthusiastic participants working on our foundation exercises with special emphasis today on finding the tor-yu with Pegoty Packman. Sean Dennison led an exploration of the blueprint of our Taoist training illustrated by the picture of the Internals to answer the […]
The Sheer Joy of Movement – Health Recovery Program at Orangeville, September, 2016

The Sheer Joy of Movement – Health Recovery Program at Orangeville, September, 2016

I experience the sheer joy of movement – of moving a body that has been paralyzed. These words are from one of the participants talking about their experience of doing Tai Chi at the International Centre in Orangeville. On day 4 of our 5-day Health Recovery Program there are looks of focus and determination on […]
Intensive in Frankfurt, Germany

Intensive in Frankfurt, Germany

Am letzen Samstag (27.08.2016) hatten wir einen dreistündigen Unterricht (Intensive) in Frankfurt am Main. 22 Mitglieder aus Lüneburg, Kassel und Frankfurt folgten der Einladung. Bei Sonnenschein und noch erträglichen Temperaturen wurden uns die neuesten Varianten zu bestimmten Bewegungselementen nahe gebracht. Mit Neugierde und voller Freude für die Instruktion hatten die Teilnehmer sehr viel Spaß. Unter […]
Fung Loy Kok Week is a Grand Feast

Fung Loy Kok Week is a Grand Feast

The range of arts offered by the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism is often described as being like a banquet with many dishes from which we can choose. This year’s Fung Loy Kok Week in Orangeville has proven to be a grand feast with its roughly one hundred participants tasting the chanting, meditation and tai […]
France @ CIT Week

France @ CIT Week

Aujourd’hui, l’association de tai chi taoïste de France participe avec 25 autres pays à la journée internationale de sensibilisation au tai chi taoïste. Cette journée, qui rassemble près d’un millier de participants, permet de présenter l’association Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi et ses activités. Tandis que certains participants démontrent l’enchaînement des 108 mouvements du […]
Sweden @ CIT Week

Sweden @ CIT Week

Here we are leaving the Health Recovery Centre, the main building, outside Orangeville. People are excited and eager to get on the schoolbuses to go to this year’s International Awareness Day celebration in downtown Toronto.   Our volunteers help with crossing the road in a safe manner at Yonge-Dundas Square.   The dragons … what energy! […]
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