The Dragon's Head Blog
Programas Internacionales
Celebrating Ten Years of Taoist Tai Chi in Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec
A great demo, a grand dragon, a grateful celebration Close to 140 participants came together to celebrate the Taoist Tai Chi® arts in Rivière-du-Loup last weekend. Under the guidance of Joé Thibault and other members of the Regional Instruction Committee, program participants worked together in harmony and simplicity, in recognition of the rich tradition […]
International Workshop in Portland, Oregon
On the last weekend of September the Oregon Branch hosted its 5th annual International Workshop. Ninety-five participants attended from Canada, Mexico, and many corners of the USA. We listened intently as Jim Nicholson of Vancouver, BC instructed us in the practice of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts. We were invited to relax and listen to […]
It’s the Natural Way
It’s the natural way. This was our motto at the International Workshop in Budapest in 17-18 September. With Carmen Capilla’s lead there were 170 members enjoying the benefits of Taoist Tai Chi®. We could all practice to take the time in finding our center, standing up fully or to take the time to open, and […]
International Center Florida Program
One of the discussion talks during this program was the benefit of practicing more often in order to maximize the benefit to our bodies. We explored what we could put into our own daily personal practice and how that could affect our lives. Our workshop leaders helped us to improve the timing of our moves […]
‘What are you working on?’
Day One of the five-day International Program being held at the International Centre Florida brought enthusiastic participants working on our foundation exercises with special emphasis today on finding the tor-yu with Pegoty Packman. Sean Dennison led an exploration of the blueprint of our Taoist training illustrated by the picture of the Internals to answer the […]
International Workshop in Helmond, Netherlands – Part III
During the workshop we were introduced to the members of the seniors’ committee of The Netherlands. The committee has the name Ietsjes meer, meaning, a little bit more. Like a little bit more donyus, fun and activities. It clearly shows that this committee is very energetic and bubbling. Their enthusiasm was very catching. We laughed […]
The Sheer Joy of Movement – Health Recovery Program at Orangeville, September, 2016
I experience the sheer joy of movement – of moving a body that has been paralyzed. These words are from one of the participants talking about their experience of doing Tai Chi at the International Centre in Orangeville. On day 4 of our 5-day Health Recovery Program there are looks of focus and determination on […]
International Workshop in Helmond, Netherlands – Part II
Chanting helps us in many different ways to improve our health. Bea, one of the participants, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s a few years ago. Practising Taoist Tai Chi® arts helps her to keep her body flexible. Chanting gives her the benefit of moving the muscles in her face and keeping them flexible. Pronouncing the sounds […]
International Workshop in Helmond, Netherlands
The workshop of Taoist Tai Chi® arts started on a lovely warm autumn day. Paul Davies helped us to deepen our understanding of opening the joints in arms and knees as we practised some of the foundation exercises. We also focused on shifting the weight. Paul described it as rolling, rolling, rolling until all the […]
Weight Shifting – Enjoying the Edinburgh International Workshop
Under Carmen Capilla’s watchful eye and gentle instruction the International Workshop in Edinburgh, 03-04 September, managed to pack in quite a lot into two days. Starting to put out the breakfast things … while the world sleeps … cooking the bacon …. ready for an instructor meeting over breakfast … Morning chanting […]
Intensive in Frankfurt, Germany
Am letzen Samstag (27.08.2016) hatten wir einen dreistündigen Unterricht (Intensive) in Frankfurt am Main. 22 Mitglieder aus Lüneburg, Kassel und Frankfurt folgten der Einladung. Bei Sonnenschein und noch erträglichen Temperaturen wurden uns die neuesten Varianten zu bestimmten Bewegungselementen nahe gebracht. Mit Neugierde und voller Freude für die Instruktion hatten die Teilnehmer sehr viel Spaß. Unter […]
Fung Loy Kok Week is a Grand Feast
The range of arts offered by the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism is often described as being like a banquet with many dishes from which we can choose. This year’s Fung Loy Kok Week in Orangeville has proven to be a grand feast with its roughly one hundred participants tasting the chanting, meditation and tai […]
Mexico @ CIT Week
México presente en el Awareness Day – Contributor (Mexico)
Canada @ CIT Week
International Awareness Day 2016 – Free intro class Du soleil et 63 passants curieux qui osent tenter les 4 premiers mouvements de l’enchaînement. Ils repartent le sourire aux lèvres vers le travail. In the sunshine, 63 curious pedestrians dare try the four first movements of the set. They go back to work with a smile […]
France @ CIT Week
Aujourd’hui, l’association de tai chi taoïste de France participe avec 25 autres pays à la journée internationale de sensibilisation au tai chi taoïste. Cette journée, qui rassemble près d’un millier de participants, permet de présenter l’association Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi et ses activités. Tandis que certains participants démontrent l’enchaînement des 108 mouvements du […]
Aruba @ CIT Week
A group of five continuing instructors and four new members from Aruba joined the CIT week and Awareness Day parade this year. They came, learned, grew, developed and bonded together. They are now ready to continue to water the seeds of balance and transformation with a caring heart. – Margaret (Aruba)
Spain @ CIT Week
Sharing and improving health in Dundas Square, Toronto, at International Taoist Tai Chi Awareness Day 2016 – Toni (Spain)
Sweden @ CIT Week
Here we are leaving the Health Recovery Centre, the main building, outside Orangeville. People are excited and eager to get on the schoolbuses to go to this year’s International Awareness Day celebration in downtown Toronto. Our volunteers help with crossing the road in a safe manner at Yonge-Dundas Square. The dragons … what energy! […]
Portugal @ CIT Week
Making the best connections! It was a nice surprise to meet José Gomes who showed up after listening to my interview as a representative for IAD at CHINRadio with Fátima Martins last Monday. What a great opportunity to reach out to the Portuguese community living in the Greater Toronto Area. Keep hydrated was a […]
Netherlands @ CIT Week
CIT Week feels like a big family gathering where we all can strengthen our roots in order to grow and develop further. Thanks for the care, guidance and help given. How priviliged we are to be part of this family. – Thijs (Netherlands)
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