The Dragon's Head Blog
Programas Internacionales
Italy @ CIT Week
The dragon is dancing and the square is alive with hundreds of silver Tshirts! Il drago danza e la piazza è animata da centinaia di magliette grigie! Lucia, Italy
Czech Republic @ CIT Week
Third day of practice, meetings, fun, a lot of good food with some first class services such as excellent fresh croissants at breakfast and every day fresh homemade buns by Mr. Lam. And the pleasure to wake up in the morning in this wonderful place among nice and friendly people and to share with them […]
Australia @ CIT Week
The atmosphere from the 576 participants is one of harmony, companionship and energy. We are enjoying the tasty meals provided and eaten outside in the beautiful Canadian summer. The kitchen people are doing a fantastic job! So far the workshop leaders have given us instructions in dan-yus and tor-yus, and we are working diligently in […]
Belgium @ CIT Week
It is wonderful to participate in such an impressive gathering of tai chi practitioners. It’s my first time here and I could not imagine that it would be so impressive. – Brigitte (Belgium)
Germany @ CIT Week
When I see this amazingly beautiful quilt I think how perfectly it represents what CIT Week is to me: a big and colourful family reunion. People come from far away, are happy to see each other after a long time, and everyone brings something from home to share with everyone else. — Steffi, Germany
Switzerland @ CIT Week
Day 2 at CIT week was ending and the practice hall was still busy with group meetings, people chatting, others practising the day’s instructions or other forms of Taoist arts. Although the days are really hot, as soon as the night kicks in, the many lights around the property, and the gift of […]
Ireland @ CIT Week
International Centre ever changing — one of the three beautiful new pavilions recently erected on the grounds. Like our Taoist Tai Chi® practice — ever changing. — Sadie, Ireland
Poland @ CIT Week
Thank you Master Moy for sharing with us this very rich art and for giving us this amazing płace, the Quiet Cultivation Centre, where all 600 of us can experience happiness by improving our balance, dropping and expansion, Just like the frog that lives in a wonderful nook in the garden of the Temple. – […]
Hungary @ CIT Week
The start of CIT week. With almost 600 participants it was «half in the hall and half out on the deck». In the lines for dinner, the chatter was in all languages. Even on the first day, there was so much to talk about! — Judit, Hungary
Denmark @ CIT Week
573 people sharing experience with the dan-yu and how to teach «dropping». And how easy it is to make it complicated and losing the balance on the way. So my biggest take away from the afternoon is to get the simple focus of Balance – Drop – Smile into the practice. — Nis, Denmark
United Kingdom @ CIT Week
It’s day one of CIT Week and people are gathering for the afternoon session. Some are relaxing in the shade, some are doing tor-yus, and some are fighting over the last of the tasty buns – Theo (Cambridge, UK)
30th Anniversary of TTCS of Poland at International Workshop
We celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Poland in July during the five-day International Workshop in Krakow. There were 239 participants plus 18 people who came for the weekend. Carmen Capilla and Paul Davies led the workshop, encouraging us to practice awareness. They reminded us that it was important to […]
Holyrood, Newfoundland Annual Intensive and BBQ
On July 9, 32 members of the Newfoundland branch (Atlantic Region, Canada) plus friends and family gathered for our annual intensive and BBQ in beautiful Holyrood, near St John’s. The three hour intensive included practice of several moves and, of course, sets. This annual event is another great way for newer members to become more […]
San Francisco Bay Area Intensives
Paul Harmon from Fairbanks was our guest instructor at the recent intensives of Taoist Tai Chi® arts held in Palo Alto, Oakland, and Pleasant Hill. Members from all locations in the San Francisco Bay area branch were in attendance and had a great time listening to Paul’s stories and instruction. Thank you Paul and everyone […]
Intensive in Dunedin
July 16th was an exciting day in Dunedin. There were 125 eager participants in attendance at our intensive led by Sean Dennison and Karen Laughlin. Karen, recently back from the Denver workshop and Tai Chi Week at Orangeville had much to share. Now everyone has a reawakened love for the tor yu. We worked so hard […]
International Workshop in Colchester, Great Britain
There were 120 participants from 8 countries who gathered in Colchester for a two-day international workshop over 9-10 July, including a good number attending their first workshop. Welcome! Workshop leader Carmen Capilla led us in reviewing the danyu, and the first four moves of the set, with the emphasis on moving grad – u – […]
Colorado Celebrates 30 Years and Hosts International Workshop
We celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Colorado branch under sunny, warm skies with 89 participants at an International Workshop June 24 through 26. To kick off a great weekend, the group was treated to a salmon dinner by the cooking crew on Friday night. Members reunited, chatted and enjoyed each other’s company. Foundations and […]
Second Workshop in Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Friday, May 27 — There is already a hustle and bustle at the HofAcker center, where we will be holding the workshop in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. The food is being brought, the kitchen set up, some tea is made for the arriving guests, a soup is prepared and the hall decorated. Everyone helps and contributes to […]
Three Beginner Weekends in Great Britain
The weekend of 18-19 June saw three beginner weekends occurring, in Cambridge, Colchester and Edinburgh. Over 200 people appeared to learn and practice Taoist Tai Chi® arts in these three locations. In their own words (and pictures)…. Cambridge – A very enjoyable weekend. Friendly instructors and good food. I would recommend to others. [Pete] – What […]
Forty-three Americans Attend Summer Tai Chi Week in Orangeville
One hundred and eighty-one participants took part in this year’s summer tai chi week at the International Center in Orangeville. Forty-three of them were Americans. Every region in America was represented. Many met before one of the morning sessions for a group photo. Tony Kwong, our workshop leader, and Karen Laughlin, International President, joined us. […]
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