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The Dragon's Head Blog

Programas Internacionales
‘My mind was calm, my body was calm’

‘My mind was calm, my body was calm’

At 37 years young, I am what some would consider “broken” (for my age). A physiotherapist (one of many), whom I had a long-standing relationship with after a ruptured disc in my early twenties, described me as a patient whose body tenses easily with an inability for my muscles to release or relax – often […]
International Program – California Branch

International Program – California Branch

The California Branch hosted a rich and rewarding International Program on June 1-2. We worked on letting go, moving from the spine with «no arms» through a number of sequences in the set as well as the tor-yu and don-yu. We learned about some of the important upcoming events at the International Center Florida. We […]
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