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The Dragon's Head Blog: First two-day ‘Forever Young’ Seniors Workshop in NZ

Just as ordered, the day bloomed, the sun shone, it was a warm one and the rain was gone.

No softly softly approach was given for our «Forever Young» program – in fact it was said often,  that the older you are the more Tai Chi you should do and do and do and so we did.  Lots of don-yus, snakes, and tor-yus as well as working on moves such as Fair Lady, Single Whip, Wave Hands to name a few.

At lunchtime on the first day we walked to the Government gardens to look at the Art in the Park.  We were very lucky to have Rotorua members who spoke about each sculpture and also about the history of the gardens.

A picnic lunch organised by the Rotorua Branch was eaten by the tearooms and band rotunda followed by a set. This concluded the lunchtime activity and off back to the clubrooms for more Tai Chi.

In the evening it was dinner at Eat Street and then another set, this one a “Glow in the Dark” set with everyone wearing glow bracelets, headbands and anything else that sparkled and glowed.

Sunday, Waikato Branch prepared the picnic lunch and after working very hard on our Tai Chi it was off to the Redwoods.  This time another Rotorua member gave a talk on the history of the beautiful Redwood Grove, again followed by a picnic lunch and a set, then back to the clubrooms for more Tai Chi.

The weekend finished with members being asked how they had liked it and what would they change.  Everyone agreed it was a great weekend, and some of the comments were that hopefully a senior’s network will develop further from this, it was lovely to get outside for part of the day, wouldn’t change a thing, and would love to do it again.


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