The Dragon's Head Blog
Program Report from Lamballe, France
Taoist tai chi® is not slow. It’s a precise art which is very powerful. To repeat the instructions helps us to be connected with our inside feelings. There were 101 members who went to Lamballe, France from various countries and were taught by Andrew on the Saturday morning. Andrew drove us to add more of […]
Fung Loy Kok Day in Costa Rica
Last Sunday 24 participants gathered at the club to share a day of chanting, meditation, tai chi sets, cleaning our home, preparing food and sharing together. It was an opportunity to experience the benefits of the integrated training in the Taoist Tai Chi® arts Master Moy brought us. We explored chanting, both standing and kneeling, […]
Celebrating Earth Day in Louisville, Kentucky
Several participants of Taoist Tai Chi® arts came out to celebrate Earth Day by forming a team and participating in Louisville’s Earth Walk. We did a set on the Iroquois amphitheater stage before the walk and then after the 5K walk we did another set silhouetted at the top of the amphitheater. Singers on the […]
Welcome to the Weekend at the International Workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland
We’ve been having a lovely week in Edinburgh, and what better way to start the day than with morning chanting to accompany the morning chores. We welcome the weekend-only participants with the first tai chi set of the day. We have been working alongside friends from many countries, practising what we’ve been learning, putting the […]
It’s Not Just About The 108 Moves — International Workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland
The international workshop in Edinburgh, 18-22 April 2018, has been hearing how Taoist Tai Chi is not about the 108 moves of our tai chi set. So what’s it all about? Well, we’ve done lots of tai chi, of course. We’ve prepared and eaten delicious meals. We’ve caught up with friends, old and new. From […]
International Program in Costa Rica
Last month we celebrated our two-day international program in Costa Rica that included participants from the Czech Republic, Great Britain and the United States of America. We’re in opposite sides of the world but it’s the same training, and we share some of the same mistakes as well! The workshop is different than what we’re […]
Central Vancouver Island Regional Program in Vancouver
Inspired by the example of Central Region hosting programs at the International Center in Florida, the Central Vancouver Island Branch organized a Regional Intensive at the Pacific Region Centre in Vancouver on Thursday, April 12. A bus-load of participants came by ferry to join a host of Vancouver participants in time to walk to a […]
International Center Florida Grand Opening will be November 3rd, 2018
Our newest International Center in Dunedin, Florida is getting closer to being ready. Excited for the Grand Opening on Nov 3, 2018. Our newest International Center in Dunedin, FL is getting closer to being ready. Excited for the Grand Opening on Nov 3, 2018. #TaoistTaiChi #balance #BecauseItWorks — Taoist Tai Chi® (@taoisttaichisoc) April 8, […]
Making Hourly Rentals Feel Like Home
Since many of our locations are in hourly rentals it was felt something was needed to make these places feel like our homes. Much thought and consultation by the Central Region Management Committee in Canada went into designing a trifold board to illustrate all aspects of our organisation. At Central Region weekend volunteer […]
Lamballe celebrates Year of the Earth Dog
On March 17th, 128 French members and their relatives celebrated the year of the earth dog in Lamballe. Philippe Hercouet and Stephane de Sallier Dupin as représentatives of the local authorities joined us for the celebration as well as Docteur Tessier from Saint Brieuc Hospital where he’s in charge of the rehabilitation department. A delicious […]
Taoist Tai Chi® arts at Green Living Show in Toronto, Canada
Many participants from various Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi® Toronto branch locations actively assisted the society at the recent Green Living Show held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Ontario. This show is Canada’s largest consumer show dedicated to simple solutions for leading a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. The show was on […]
Largest Taoist Tai Chi® Arts Program in Australian history makes the news
A Taoist Tai Chi® arts international program at Gatton, Queensland, Australia, has made the news. The 224 participants made the program the largest in the history of the Australian Taoist Tai Chi Society. Participants told viewers of their joy, how much they love the health benefits they experience and how much more aware they are […]
Butterflies and Softness in Winnipeg, Canada
Eighty-one people gathered together as the Winnipeg branch hosted a national program from March 23-25. The room was full. There were smiles all around. Our instructor, Joé Thibault, built on our understanding of the set and the many ingredients needed to maximize the benefits. She reminded us to consider an increased level of softness — […]
Second Half of Lok Hup in Dunedin, Florida
Practicing and learning together,meditating together,eating together, tasking together, and visiting the almost complete practice hall at the International Center. We were honored by the participation of Marsha Eberhardt, president of the International Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi Society. What an amazing week we’ve had! 109 eager participants worked together to understand and apply the […]
First Session of Taoist Tai Chi® Arts at New Practice Hall of International Center Florida
Participants of Lok Hup Week held in Dunedin, Florida, USA, were the first to practice Taoist Tai Chi® arts in the new practice hall at the International Center Florida. This Friday after all the workers left for the weekend participants carpooled to the International Center’s new practice hall. They were met by the construction project managers […]
Study Shows Tai Chi Has Similar or Greater Benefits Than Aerobic Exercise for Fibromyalgia
According to a new study from Tufts University and Brown University tai chi results in similar or greater improvement in fibromyalgia symptoms when compared to aerobic exercise. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health sent this bulletin this week. A more comprehensive spotlight on the study reports that «tai chi appears to be as effective […]
Easter Sunday at the Beach in Dunedin, Florida
On Easter Sunday 43 people went to enjoy the view, the weather, the company and two sets before the Lok Hup II program. It was a wonderful peaceful morning with friends. The folks from Dunedin, Florida welcome everyone to Lok Hup Week and extend an invitation to join us at the International Center Florida Grand […]
Workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid
On the last day of the international tai chi workshop in the Southern European Centre (Madrid) we reviewed the concepts and movements practiced during the week. We would like to thank Andrew Hung, the workshop leader, for his input and helping us take our tai chi to a more internal level.
Taoist Tai Chi at the United Nations
A small group from the New York City/Tri-State branch had the honor to present Taoist Tai Chi® arts at the United Nations General Assembly on March 24th for the Lions Club International, a global volunteer organization dedicated to helping the community. Having a long relationship with the UN, the Lions hold an annual international conference in this majestic hall. […]
National Program and Banquet in Vancouver, British Columbia
There was a great turnout with 160 participants at the program and the «To Your Health» banquet. We enjoyed a lovely pre-workshop evening chanting the Northern Dipper together. Chanting can be a great release as there is no requirement for perfection and there is that sense of being part of something larger. After chanting we […]
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