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The Dragon's Head Blog

France offers thanks to front-line workers

France offers thanks to front-line workers

  As the health crisis loosened its grip, the Taoist Tai Chi Society (TTCS) of France launched a campaign of 3-month complimentary introductory courses for front-line workers who continued to work during the lockdowns. This gesture of thanks is aimed at the medical and social professions and employees of essential services such as firefighters, refuse […]
Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings from Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. Wishing peace and joy to everyone this holiday season. 
Reading Reflections

Reading Reflections

Reading the reflections from my fellow participants from around the world makes me feel like I am at the international center, having heartfelt conversations and sharing memories with friends.
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