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The Dragon's Head Blog

« Mon cœur se sentait léger »

« Mon cœur se sentait léger »

Je suis sûre que je me souviendrai toujours de l’ouverture et de la volonté de se soutenir et de se connecter les uns aux autres que j’apprends maintenant à percevoir et à expérimenter comme des éléments importants de la voie du Taoist Tai Chi™. J’ai réfléchi à ce qui était différent pour moi dans mon […]
« Lâcher prise et faire confiance »

« Lâcher prise et faire confiance »

En mars, quatre-vingts participants sont venus de toute la Nouvelle-Zélande pour prendre part à une retraite d’une journée organisée par la branche de Wellington, qui était en même temps la célébration des 30 ans des arts Taoist Tai Chi™  de cette branche. Une « coupe du gâteau » a été organisée, avec des bulles pour porter un […]
Transformation and Training

Transformation and Training

The focusing theme for the annual New Zealand Instructor Training Weekend was transformation. The weekend, attended by  more than 90 per cent of instructors, was important for instructors to come together and reflect and transform the way we do our Taoist Tai Chi® practice and most importantly, ask ourselves, how does  it feel.  One participant […]
Do you want to change?

Do you want to change?

« You enter the Taoist training through the body. » Participants worked hard on finding the feeling and the stillness as the leader of a five-day International Retreat in Perth helped us to go deeper in our Taoist Tai Chi ® practice. We began each day with chanting at the Shrine – and an intention to work […]
Celebrating 40 Years in London, Ontario

Celebrating 40 Years in London, Ontario

One hundred people participated in a Central Region Program held at the Southwest Centre in Stratford in honour of the 40th anniversary of the London branch. There was a lot of laughter sprinkled among the learning. Participants focused on increasing the elasticity of the spine and letting it drive the moves. The London Branch Council […]
A Grand Experience

A Grand Experience

It was a “grand” experience having fun together when Grande Prairie Branch hosted a Regional Programme on October 13.   We learned more about Taoist Tai Chi® arts, including chanting, and a delicious luncheon was enjoyed by all.  The main theme was practicing the “up and down” in the tor-yus, and don-yus and in the set. Finding the balance […]
Learning, laughing and lunching

Learning, laughing and lunching

Alignment and openness was practiced on October 16 by 64  participants at an intensive in Durham Region, Ontario. A wonderful day full of learning, laughing and lunching. We welcomed participants from Peterborough, Scarborough and Toronto. Thank you to everyone.
Autumn Harvest Potluck Feast

Autumn Harvest Potluck Feast

It was a lovely breezy Fall morning as we gathered for Saturday morning class at Etobicoke, Toronto, in mid October.  We arrive bearing dishes, pots and bags full of goodies for after class.  We eagerly assemble on the practice floor and our location co-leader takes us through foundations and set and has us explore the […]
No Worries at Horseshoe Regional Intensive

No Worries at Horseshoe Regional Intensive

On September 23, 2018, the Horseshoe branches (Burlington, Brantford, Hamilton, Oakville and Niagara), participants from other Central Region branches and our neighbours from Buffalo gathered for an afternoon intensive led by Bonnie Steinman at our area centre in St. Catharines, Ontario. A theme of the intensive was “don’t worry”. Each of the 89 participants was […]
Visitors Flock to Wong Dai Sin Temple

Visitors Flock to Wong Dai Sin Temple

Wong Dai Sin Temple in Markham, Ontario, welcomed 272 visitors when it opened its doors for a second year to participate in the Doors Open Markham festival. The temple took part in the event from 10am until 4pm on Saturday, September 22, 2018. Chanting took place for the entire day and 18 volunteers from five […]
Building Strength with Tai Chi

Building Strength with Tai Chi

The strength to be gained by practising Tai Chi has been recognised in an article published by the widely-read New York Times this week. The author, Personal Health columnist Jane E. Brody, says she was surprised by Tai Chi’s effects on strength, « but good research — and there’s been a fair amount of it by […]
Spiralling in New Zealand National Program

Spiralling in New Zealand National Program

Approximately 30 New Zealand  participants gathered at the Lower Hutt clubrooms on the weekend of the 25th and 26th August for a two-day program led by National President Sue Lightfoot, ably assisted by Wellington continuing instructors Mary Brownlow and Peter Love.  Participants ranged from those who have done Tai Chi for many years (including a […]
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