The Dragon's Head Blog
Mise à jour du des centres
A fine weekend at our home in Madrid
76 participants from nine countries enjoyed last weekend an international workshop in Madrid. Martina Pavlovicova led us into the practice of smiling, relaxing, enjoying, opening… Once again the Southern European Centre was everybody’s home. A space of gathering to develop the wide aspects of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts.
Lok Hup ‘so soft and so powerful’
More comments from Lok Hup Week as taught by instructors of Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi® at the International Center Florida: It’s amazing how the art of Lok Hup can be so soft and so powerful at the same time. – Marian Varner My son says when I do Taoist Tai Chi® practice I […]
Lok Hup Week at International Center Florida
We have 125 participants attending Lok Hup Week at the International Center Florida in Dunedin. We have participants from Europe, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Canada and USA. We did a demo by the water in front of the center at sunset. Here are some comments from our participants: Another day in paradise. – Carmen Capilla […]
International Center Florida Participates in United Faiths Walk of Peace
On Sunday, October 23rd the International Center Florida and the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, co-sponsored the United Faiths Walk of Peace, in Dunedin, Florida. Bay News 9, a local TV station covered the event. Here is the news story. Two participants shared their views of this special day. On Sunday, October 23rd, churches, […]
Taoist Tai Chi Play is Health Recovery
All Taoist Tai Chi® arts play is about health recovery. The 108 people who attended the recent Health Recovery Day at the International Centre had the opportunity to witness the courage, persistence, grace and dignity of people with a wide range of health problems in their practice of the set and foundation moves. Hearing first-hand […]
International Workshop at European Centre
What a change in the group from Day 1. We really noticed when the new people came for the weekend as there was a marked difference between the two groups. Today the difference is less obvious as the whole group move as one unit, grounded and strong yet light and fluid, a human wave of […]
International Workshop at European Centre
Expansion, contraction, mind, intention, feelings and we’re … flying! Use the pain and lose the pain. People with knee pain, back pain and arthritis all discovered relief through their practise of Taoist Tai Chi® arts. We are understanding how to use the pain to find alignment and balance.
International Workshop at European Centre
Our spines are whips, our elbows are drunk and we record the image in our minds. It’s the feeling not the form. Drilling down into the floor and coiling up to the ceiling. Wow! New sensations inside. It is sensational, experiencing ourselves differently. We’re all different and better than we were on day one. Not […]
International Workshop at European Centre
Aspiration, inspiration, perspiration, change. Smiling, happy, centred, balanced, beautiful. Andrew helps us with the basics and the result is anything but. We hear about developing and then we experience it directly. Can we be better? Yes we can. Does it stop here? No, it keeps on going, if we do. « This is not just […]
International Workshop at European Centre
Day 1 Andrew has enabled us to quieten the body and concentrate the movements and the mind whilst showing us how to explore, use and develop the elasticity of the body. It’s been a very exciting day and by working on the principles of one move, chop with fist, our whole set has improved. Thank you […]
Seniors’ Day in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, October 7 is called National Day of Seniors, a reason for us to organise an event for the senior members in our society. So we invited them to our centre in Helmond and asked them to bring a senior friend. Twenty-three seniors and seniors-in-training joined for a chat, a demo, a set, a […]
International Center Florida Construction Update
Construction at the International Center in Dunedin, Florida is seeing some wonderful changes. The elevator will be placed in the next few weeks and the air conditioning duct work is everywhere. The black pipes are chiller pipes to bring cooled water throughout the building. They lead to air handlers that will distribute cool air to the […]
Dunedin Branch Hosts Construction Workers at BBQ
On Friday October 14th, the Dunedin Branch hosted the International Center Florida construction workers at a BBQ. The men of the branch all pitched in at the grill and in the kitchen to produce a lunch of brats, baked beans, sauerkraut, mac and cheese, and potato chips. We even had a visitor from Tallahassee who stopped […]
International Center Florida Construction Update
Here is the news from our newest international center for the week ending September 18, 2016. The first two guests of the Fenway Hotel are being rudely asked to leave each day by construction workers. A small owl and raccoon are being regularly chased out of the building each morning. The have found the changes […]
International Center Florida Program
One of the discussion talks during this program was the benefit of practicing more often in order to maximize the benefit to our bodies. We explored what we could put into our own daily personal practice and how that could affect our lives. Our workshop leaders helped us to improve the timing of our moves […]
Volunteer Testimony from International Centre, Orangeville
Spending a weekend as a volunteer at Orangeville was a great experience. We had the chance to work together digging and planting new flower beds, but more than that, we got to know other tai chi practitioners from all over the world. We enjoyed classes together, great food and pleasant surroundings. When people thanked me […]
‘What are you working on?’
Day One of the five-day International Program being held at the International Centre Florida brought enthusiastic participants working on our foundation exercises with special emphasis today on finding the tor-yu with Pegoty Packman. Sean Dennison led an exploration of the blueprint of our Taoist training illustrated by the picture of the Internals to answer the […]
International Workshop in Helmond, Netherlands – Part III
During the workshop we were introduced to the members of the seniors’ committee of The Netherlands. The committee has the name Ietsjes meer, meaning, a little bit more. Like a little bit more donyus, fun and activities. It clearly shows that this committee is very energetic and bubbling. Their enthusiasm was very catching. We laughed […]
International Workshop in Helmond, Netherlands – Part II
Chanting helps us in many different ways to improve our health. Bea, one of the participants, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s a few years ago. Practising Taoist Tai Chi® arts helps her to keep her body flexible. Chanting gives her the benefit of moving the muscles in her face and keeping them flexible. Pronouncing the sounds […]
International Workshop in Helmond, Netherlands
The workshop of Taoist Tai Chi® arts started on a lovely warm autumn day. Paul Davies helped us to deepen our understanding of opening the joints in arms and knees as we practised some of the foundation exercises. We also focused on shifting the weight. Paul described it as rolling, rolling, rolling until all the […]
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