The Dragon's Head Blog
Mise à jour du des centres
International Center Florida Construction Update for the Week Ending July 3, 2016
We have walls! Drywall installation has begun in the northwest and southeast corridors. The old Fenway Hotel is beginning to look more and more like the grand lady of Dunedin that she once was. The floor decking is almost complete on the first and second floors. Electricians and plumbers have been working to make sure their […]
Forty-three Americans Attend Summer Tai Chi Week in Orangeville
One hundred and eighty-one participants took part in this year’s summer tai chi week at the International Center in Orangeville. Forty-three of them were Americans. Every region in America was represented. Many met before one of the morning sessions for a group photo. Tony Kwong, our workshop leader, and Karen Laughlin, International President, joined us. […]
‘Wow, I did it’
After participating in the recent Health Recovery and Summer Tai Chi workshops, back to back, all I can say is WOW I did it! I am surprised that I could do so much tai chi and still want more as the workshop came to an end. The encouragement and gentle guidance I got from the […]
Semaine dété – Orangeville 2016
C’est ma première visite à Orangeville pour un atelier de cinq jours : «J’ai été impressionnée par l’organisation physique de la Société. Ici, les gens sont amicaux. Ils s’entraident. Il y a une ouverture par rapport aux autres. J’ai été émerveillée de voir Tony faire les mouvements. Il est à l’intérieur de lui-même. J’aime beaucoup observer […]
Summer days are here again
Summer Tai Chi week kicked off on June 29 with a great start. The five-day workshop began at the International Centre Orangeville on a beautiful summer day, with 184 participants supported by 18 volunteers. On day one, participants received instruction from Tony Kwong on tory-us and dany-us. Following the instructions, participants took part in 24 […]
Final night of June Health Recovery Program
With the southern Ontario heat, we enjoyed a beautiful set outside, followed by a brush knee parade around the second floor of the Health Recovery building at the International Centre in Orangeville to take advantage of the air conditioning. The icing on the cake was a final push hands session. One more morning and then we […]
Health Recovery Week, Day 3, at Orangeville, Ontario
Working and learning (and eating!) together. « My tai chi is improving from teaching others. » — Wade from Taraunga, New Zealand « There’s no criticism. It’s all help » — Pat from Gravenhurst « This Health Recovery is one of the best gifts I’ve given myself. It’s taken me a while to get here, but […]
Dunedin Branch Attends Trade Show Event
To help introduce Mainsail Lodging and Development, the company that will maintain The Fenway, to the North Pinellas County area businesses, both the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA and Mainsail attended the North Pinellas County annual seven Chambers of Commerce trade show event. The Chambers of Commerce for seven of the municipalities in North […]
What is it like to stay at the International Centre for a Health Recovery Week?
One participant captured the answer to this question in pictures.
Finding balance at Health Recovery Week
Health Recovery participants don-yu their way down the room as they play with balance and weight-shifting. « There’s such a strong feeling of community within the group. It warms my heart. » – Angie from Durham, Canada « This has been a phenomenal week to help me work on issues that are present for me. It’s […]
Things are Looking Up at Health Recovery Week
Up … Up … Up! There’s always more up! Participants in this month’s Health Recovery Week at the International Centre, Orangeville, are enjoying getting taller and working together. From some of the participants: « It’s been more than just physical. I’m learning how to listen to my body and I didn’t realize how I […]
A Very Thorough Weekend in Madrid
This weekend we celebrated the Portugal, Spain and Italy annual instructors’ meeting. Some 60 instructors from the 3 countries got together to pool and advance in our understanding of tai chi and our role as accredited volunteer instructors. The activity on Saturday was held at the Southern European Centre and was most varied. It included […]
International Center Florida Construction Update for June 17, 2016
The International Center Florida construction is speeding ahead. Crew leads are spending a great deal of time researching old photos of the historic Fenway Hotel to preserve its 1920 beauty as they recreate the interior. Framing crews are building the supporting walls in the lobby and dining room. Electricians have almost completed electrical installation in […]
It’s unanimous !
Everyone agreed they will all recommend the Volunteer/Tai Chi Retreat weekend to people at their branches. More than 30 people enjoyed three days of tai chi and volunteering in the retreat held at the International Centre near Orangeville after Cross-Canada Seniors Day. This is what they had to say: Nice balance of work and […]
Tea Party in the Style of the Sixties
The tea party at Colchester has become an annual event. This time it had a 60’s theme and was at the weekend. As always there was lots of fun and lots of food.
Cross-Canada Seniors Day begins
The mango pudding is chilling, the buses and cars have flocked to the International Center, with a record of more than 400 participants for a seniors day, and there is a excitement in the air for what’s ahead. Seniors Day is always the largest one-day event at the International Center but this year it takes […]
Sabre Program and USA Annual Meeting at the International Center in Florida
Over the Memorial Day weekend holiday the International Center in Florida hosted an international sabre program lead by Sean Dennison. Over 90 participants took part in the program coming from as far as New Zealand. The first day started with the USA Board receiving a guided tour of the historic Fenway Hotel from the Dunedin branch […]
Gardening Day at the Centre in Colchester, England
What do you think of when you think of Taoist Tai Chi® arts? Here in Colchester we are busy with gardening, tai chi and plenty of food. The dragon now has eyes.
Construction Update for Florida’s International Center
It may not seem like a lot has changed by looking at the photos below of windows and construction studs but we now have over half of the 500+ windows installed. The hurricane rated windows are quite modern despite the 1920’s appearance. Each window is attached to metal beams that are attached to support beams […]
Tampa Bay Times Article- Dunedin’s Historic Fenway Hotel to become public, boutique hotel
Tampa Bay Times Article – DUNEDIN — The revamping of the historic Fenway Hotel has long been a dream for residents and city leaders. By next spring, when the 1920s building is expected to once again open its doors to the public, developers say that dream will become reality. The building’s owner, Taoist Tai Chi […]
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