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The Dragon's Head Blog

Australia and New Zealand International Retreats – a transformative experience

Australia and New Zealand International Retreats – a transformative experience

In November, members from around Australia and New Zealand gathered in Perth and Tauranga for two five-day international retreats. The feeling of coming together in person, and with an international instructor for the first time in five years, was palpable. It was an incredible opportunity to build on the already strong foundations developed over the last […]
« Lâcher prise et faire confiance »

« Lâcher prise et faire confiance »

En mars, quatre-vingts participants sont venus de toute la Nouvelle-Zélande pour prendre part à une retraite d’une journée organisée par la branche de Wellington, qui était en même temps la célébration des 30 ans des arts Taoist Tai Chi™  de cette branche. Une « coupe du gâteau » a été organisée, avec des bulles pour porter un […]
Transformation and Training

Transformation and Training

The focusing theme for the annual New Zealand Instructor Training Weekend was transformation. The weekend, attended by  more than 90 per cent of instructors, was important for instructors to come together and reflect and transform the way we do our Taoist Tai Chi® practice and most importantly, ask ourselves, how does  it feel.  One participant […]
Experiences from the International Program in Tauranga, New Zealand, October 2018

Experiences from the International Program in Tauranga, New Zealand, October 2018

84 people attended this amazing workshop.  One participant said that she had gained a deeper understanding of the form and why the moves are done the way they are.  There was much talk of tailbones and intention, circles and standing straight.  Participants described it as the friendliest gathering they have ever attended, and a couple of our Australian visitors particularly enjoyed the ginger crunch, saying […]
Spiralling in New Zealand National Program

Spiralling in New Zealand National Program

Approximately 30 New Zealand  participants gathered at the Lower Hutt clubrooms on the weekend of the 25th and 26th August for a two-day program led by National President Sue Lightfoot, ably assisted by Wellington continuing instructors Mary Brownlow and Peter Love.  Participants ranged from those who have done Tai Chi for many years (including a […]
Tai Chi and Me = Happiness

Tai Chi and Me = Happiness

July marks the two-year anniversary of my first encounter  with Taoist Tai Chi® arts and I am reflecting on my journey so far. Almost immediately the word happiness comes to mind. This seems an odd choice; while learning tai chi makes me happy so do lots of other activities. Obviously, there is more to my […]
The joy of being an international visitor

The joy of being an international visitor

It is such a privilege to attend international workshops in your own country, but travelling to another country to participate does add further benefits: to meet fellow tai chiers and renew friendships within the group, to enjoy extra time and take a holiday maybe – but also, if you have Tai Chi related responsibilities in […]
Season’s Greetings from NZ

Season’s Greetings from NZ

  A group from the Bay of Plenty Branch go down to the beach by Kulim Park, BBQ, a set, some dessert and time for some fun on the water.  A beautiful night near the Mount, a full moon will soon arise, the peace and tranquillity from our set had provided the scene for a […]
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