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The Dragon's Head Blog: International Awareness Day – Rome, Italy

On Saturday,  October 19, 2019, Rome, hosted the 6th International Awareness Day of the Taoist Tai Chi Association of Italy. In the setting of the beautiful Piazza Cavour, over 60 participants and significant guests gave life to a joyful demo and ceremony.   While exchanging greetings, not only members from all four Branches but also local invited authorities emphasized the importance of recognizing the common path that can be walked together, when the direction is caring for others.  At the end of the celebrations, participants gathered at the branch and enjoyed an afternoon intensive.

Once more, thank you Master Moy,  without whom not.

Here is the link to a video and interviews made by La Repubblica, a major Italian newspaper (online version). 
Click, enjoy and share it! Of course, it is in Italian, but – no doubt – you will get the feeling!

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