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The Dragon's Head Blog: Pinellas County Leadership Class visits the International Center Florida

Participants in Leadership Pinellas visited the International Center Florida for the second year in a row. The ICF was a stop on their county-wide tour exploring various sites related to tourism and the environment. Dunedin branch members offered a few introductory words relating our Taoist Tai Chi Arts practice to leadership skills and offered participants a chance to see and practice moves from the set. The Dunedin mayor and three city commissioners were in attendance, and each offered comments on Dunedin’s current initiatives as well as expressions of gratitude for the Taoist Tai Chi Society and its many contributions to the Dunedin community.  Following the gathering, the commissioners and Leadership Pinellas coordinators all stated how excited they were to see the eagerness with which the participants engaged in the Taoist Tai Chi demonstration. Everyone left the ICF with big smiles!

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