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The Dragon's Head Blog: Atlantic Region Holiday Season Program

Participants from across the Atlantic Region assembled at the regional centre in Halifax on December 5, the weekend scheduled for the holiday season program. We practiced and learned together Taoist Tai Chi™ arts throughout the day.  In the evening the participants were joined by their guests to enjoy a wonderful ten-course banquet.

Helen Davenport gave a wonderful talk on the Dunedin International Centre

 Jayne Reid

Our dynamic emcee for the evening introduced participants throughout the banquet who spoke to us on a variety of topics. There was an inspiring personal testimony to the health benefits of the arts we practice. For the benefit of our guests a brief but very interesting explanation of the elements of our high shrine was given.  Another speaker gave an enthusiastic talk on her week at the International Centre Florida accompanied by a slide show of the latest photos of the ongoing construction. We also watched the „Moving Meditation” video from the website.

Several raffles and the silent auction were held to help with our fundraising goals for the year.

3. Adding the final touches to one of the 10 courses6. Some of the many enthusiastic clean up crew

The photographer for the evening caught some of our volunteer crew adding the final touches to the dishes. Following our „eyes see, hands do” tradition everyone worked together to help with the table setup, serving, clearing tables and the cleanup. Many participants stayed over for our regular chanting session and class the next morning.  It was a full, happy and productive weekend for us all.

An important member of the kitchen crew

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