The Dragon's Head Blog
Happy New Year
Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism wishes everyone a Happy New Year! May 2022 bring peace and harmony to the world.
Home for Refugees in Helmond, Netherlands
What do we mean when we say the benefits of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts go beyond the 108 movements of the Taoist Tai Chi® set? The story of our Northern European Center in Helmond, the Netherlands, which was transformed during the pandemic into a temporary shelter for teenage refugees seeking asylum, illustrates the point. […]
Personal Reflections
During the pandemic, many participants have been reflecting on their practice and how it has helped them find balance, calm and strength. Explore what they have written here.
A Taoist Tai Chi® művészetek gyakorlása segít abban, hogy életem során mindenkivel és mindennel tisztelettel bánjak, figyelemmel és hálával tekintsek rá. Bármikor, ha nehézségeim vannak, a Taoist Tai Chi® gyakorlásához fordulok. Szinte azonnal újra érzem a tiszteletet a körülöttem lévő emberek irányában, az otthonom, a kertem, a konyhám iránt. ~Galina
50 Years of Taoist Tai Chi® arts!
From humble beginnings in Toronto in 1970, Master Moy’s teachings have spread around the world. Today more than 1000 participants from 26 countries mark 50 years of helping people and serving our communities through Taoist Tai Chi® arts. Our hearts are full of appreciation as we look forward to the next 50 years!
Egyre inkább felfedezem, hogy tanulásunk útjának gyökerei a szívünkig követhetők vissza. Gyakran tudok dolgokat, de néha érzem őket. Ez vezette Moy mestert oda, hogy megtegye, amit tett: az emberek és [...]
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