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The Dragon's Head Blog

Expanding in Body and Mind

Expanding in Body and Mind

Participants from 13 countries gathered at the Taoist Tai Chi™ retreat in the Southern European Center in Madrid.  Although the days are getting shorter and darker here in December the hall was warm and colourful vibrating with the energy and joy from all the participants sharing Mr Moy’s teachings about the Tao. After the first set we […]
Sharing Master Moy’s teachings with the community

Sharing Master Moy’s teachings with the community

The local branch of the Taoist Tai Chi Society in Great Britain were invited to participate in Diversity Week at Tendring Technology College. Leaders in Training led two sessions for about 50 year 8 students plus 5 staff members.  Information about the organization, our founder Master Moy and some of the health benefits of the […]
France offers thanks to front-line workers

France offers thanks to front-line workers

  As the health crisis loosened its grip, the Taoist Tai Chi Society (TTCS) of France launched a campaign of 3-month complimentary introductory courses for front-line workers who continued to work during the lockdowns. This gesture of thanks is aimed at the medical and social professions and employees of essential services such as firefighters, refuse […]
Változnak szokásaink

Változnak szokásaink

56 éve hunyt el édesanyám – 10 éves voltam akkor. Attól kezdve eléggé önpusztító életet éltem. Az utóbbi 40 évben a dohányzásról való leszokással küzdöttem, míg végül 6 évvel ezelőtt a Taoist Tai Chi® adott erőt, hogy abbahagyjam. Néhány évvel ezelőtt rendeltem édesanyámnak egy áldást Mindenszentekre („All Souls”). Akkor az adománygyűjtés célja vezérelt, támogattam a […]
Jobban kapcsolódom

Jobban kapcsolódom

Jöttek a korlátozások, elmaradtak a foglalkozások, és minden megszokott rutin elveszett. Nem találtam a helyem. Mindennapi sorozatomat szokás szerint csináltam, de a végére könnycseppek gördültek végig az arcomon, miközben azért nyugodtnak éreztem magam. Ez összezavart. Most mit tegyek? Úgy döntöttem, inkább hagyom a sorozatokat, és visszatérek a kezdetekhez – csak az alapgyakorlatokra koncentrálok. Közben elkezdődtek […]
From grief to joy in a moment

From grief to joy in a moment

I have found this 3rd lockdown in England very difficult and felt bowed down with grief for our son who died 18 months ago. It’s been a struggle to do my daily practice. However,  I have forced myself to join the chanting on Saturdays and Mondays to bring some structure into my life. During the last […]


    Life at the moment is full of emotion and grief and Taoist Tai ChiTM arts have been an absolute saviour. My first “light bulb” moment happened when I was doing A Danyu challenge.  I did forty danyus and then the next ten slowly, really concentrating in pushing with the feet and allowing the […]
Carry on regardless

Carry on regardless

I have been practicing Taoist Tai ChiTM arts for a number of years. I had been encouraged by a friend to give it a go, and I’m still giving it a go. One of the wonderful features of Taoist Tai Chi is that you are always ‘giving it a go’ you can never say that’s […]
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