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The Dragon's Head Blog: Beginning to Line Up and Work in Harmony

International Taoist Tai Chi Workshop – National Centre, Bayswater, 12-16 October 2016
I have been very lucky to participate in my first international Taoist Tai Chi workshop, at the national centre in Bayswater. The very first sequence that I watched our workshop leader, Tony, demonstrate was mesmerising and I have never seen anything like it. His movement is so fluid and each demonstration was equally amazing and beautiful to watch. Seeing the change that occurs once the external form becomes secondary was a really special experience. I now have a wonderful graceful image of where the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts path can lead. I was especially lucky to get a small taste of the feeling that comes with it, as Tony helped me enormously with the tor yu, dan yu and Wave Hands Like Clouds. The adjustments he made, even the seemingly tiny ones, completely changed the way the moves feel. When everything is beginning to line up and work in harmony, it brings such a feeling of softness, lightness and space. I’m very grateful for the new understanding I have of what I am trying to find in the foundation exercises and, consequently, the tor yu and dan yu throughout the whole set, and the significance of intention. I gained so much also from just from watching the other participants, especially watching all of the group leaders practice together. Watching Tony work individually with other people, particularly Kym, and seeing the transformation, was a real highlight and very inspiring.  (Read her post A Few Words of Trust.) I’m looking forward to more.

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