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The Dragon's Head Blog

Holiday Gala in Portland, Oregon

Holiday Gala in Portland, Oregon

For over a decade the Portland branch has enjoyed a holiday gala including a festive meal and intensive.  This year 140 participants enjoyed a meal with delicious entrees from the branch kitchen plus mouthwatering potluck sides, salads and desserts.  The windowsill snowmen from our first „Make a Snowman Contest” (no real snow allowed) were honored […]
Annual Holiday Potluck in Windsor, Ontario

Annual Holiday Potluck in Windsor, Ontario

Just a short time before Christmas and all throughout the Windsor branch over 100 participants, family and friends got together for a home-cooked meal prepared by all on Saturday December 3. The Windsor Banjos played softly while 25 children danced and sang and made crafts throughout the day. As Santa arrived they jumped and they cheered […]
Awareness Day in Brussels, Belgium

Awareness Day in Brussels, Belgium

On Sunday September 25th, we celebrated our Awareness Day in downtown Brussels, in front of La Bourse where, for three years now, we have been giving free introduction classes of Taoist Tai Chi® arts every Sunday from May 1st  to September 30th. Thanks to favourable weather, there were a lot of passers-by and a few of […]
Autumn Festival at Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec

Autumn Festival at Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec

The Autumn Dreams Festival at Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec, invited us to introduce Taoist Tai Chi to festival goers throughout the festival, which was held in two locations over several days. People from all over the world had the opportunity to try Taoist Tai Chi, and, brochure in hand, they can return home knowing where to find […]
Dragon Dance Details

Dragon Dance Details

Dragon Dancing       Opportunity to Participate This past CIT week was the 7th time I have participated in the dragon dance at International Awareness Day.  I saw the signup for a practice in the lobby when I got to the International Center Orangeville for my first CIT week in 2010. I was surprised […]
Spring Sunday in Stirling, Australia

Spring Sunday in Stirling, Australia

Stirling branch members met for brunch and tai chi in the park on a beautiful spring Sunday morning. After a long, wet winter it was an enjoyable opportunity to share food and enjoy practising Taoist Tai Chi® arts with the promise of better weather in the air.
City of Windsor, Ontario Proclaims Taoist Tai Chi Week

City of Windsor, Ontario Proclaims Taoist Tai Chi Week

Mayor Drew Dilkens and the City of Windsor show their support and endorsement of Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi. Through this proclamation they acknowledge our ongoing contributions to the improvement of health for the citizens in the region of Windsor, Ontario. During this week we will be celebrating our 27th anniversary of teaching Taoist […]
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