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The Dragon's Head Blog: International Workshop in Portland, Oregon

On the last weekend of September the Oregon Branch hosted its 5th annual International Workshop.  Ninety-five participants attended from Canada, Mexico, and many corners of the USA.  We listened intently as Jim Nicholson of Vancouver, BC instructed us in the practice of the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts.  We were invited to relax and listen to our bodies as he guided us in finding our balance and “letting go” in our tor yus and don yus.  He led us in cultivating stillness through quiet sitting and standing meditation.  A large number of the attendees, both regular chanters and first-timers, attended a practice session of the Immortal Lu lighting ceremony and listened intently as Jim explained the meaning and taught us how to participate.  Jim’s stories deepened our understanding of the Taoist Tai Chi Society and helped us to understand how the culture of the society supports and protects these precious gifts from Master Moy.
The kitchen team provided fabulous food, big smiles and wonderful aromas while we practiced and other participants delighted us with their spectacular baked goods.
The Western Regional Management Committee meeting highlighted the successes of the past year including the growth of the San Diego location and announcement of the spring 2017 opening of the Seattle location.  USA President Pegoty Packman made an inspiring presentation of the progress of the International Center Florida highlighting how it follows the path laid out by Master Moy. Many, many thanks to all the volunteers (attending or not) and participants who cultivated community and made this weekend’s International Workshop such a success!

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