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The Dragon's Head Blog

All Souls Festival 3 – Beautiful Bags

All Souls Festival 3 – Beautiful Bags

All Souls Festival gives the living an opportunity to express filial piety, harmony and dedication by honouring ancestors, relatives and friends who have passed away.  Beautiful paper bags decorated with symbols of longevity, balance and comfort in the afterlife hold paper offerings to be burnt. FLK All Souls Festival chanting ceremonies will take place virtually this year. 
Goon Yam Festival

Goon Yam Festival

Yesterday participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism from around the world chanted to celebrate and be inspired by Goon Yam (Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. Through chanting together our intention is to bring greater peace and harmony to the world.  
Jobban kapcsolódom

Jobban kapcsolódom

Jöttek a korlátozások, elmaradtak a foglalkozások, és minden megszokott rutin elveszett. Nem találtam a helyem. Mindennapi sorozatomat szokás szerint csináltam, de a végére könnycseppek gördültek végig az arcomon, miközben azért nyugodtnak éreztem magam. Ez összezavart. Most mit tegyek? Úgy döntöttem, inkább hagyom a sorozatokat, és visszatérek a kezdetekhez – csak az alapgyakorlatokra koncentrálok. Közben elkezdődtek […]
Southern Dipper Festival

Southern Dipper Festival

Yesterday we celebrated the Southern Dipper Festival virtually with 1000 people from 26 countries. The Southern Dipper, together with the Northern Dipper, grants longevity. Chanting together expresses our intention to bring health and longevity to all the people of the world.  
A Long Life with Parkinson’s Disease

A Long Life with Parkinson’s Disease

“My name is Assunta and I’ve had Parkinson’s disease for almost 40 years. I have been practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts for almost as long. I knew after my first class that the Taoist Tai Chi® arts were helping me. I first became stronger emotionally and then physically. Everything improved and I was better able to tolerate medications. I […]
From grief to joy in a moment

From grief to joy in a moment

I have found this 3rd lockdown in England very difficult and felt bowed down with grief for our son who died 18 months ago. It’s been a struggle to do my daily practice. However,  I have forced myself to join the chanting on Saturdays and Mondays to bring some structure into my life. During the last […]
Chanting together

Chanting together

Four meetings on Zoom have become a permanent part of my weekly schedule. When I announce at home that it is time to meet, my daughter asks me: are you singing today? On Wednesday and Saturday I say – yes, why are you asking? She replies –because I would like to be with you. Therefore,  […]
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