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The Dragon's Head Blog: Annual Holiday Banquet, Richmond Hill, November 29th, 2017

Many participants gathered at the Dragon Boat Cuisine in Richmond Hill, Ontario for the annual Holiday Season Banquet.

We were honoured to have in attendance many esteemed guests, including representatives and delegates of the Canadian Federal, Ontario Provincial and Municipal Governments of Toronto, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Markham and Newmarket, FLK President Marsha Eberhardt, and FLK International Directors Tony Kwong, John Huang, Joé Thibault, Susan Lundy, Jim Gazzard, Andrew Hung, Executive Director, and friends of the Society.

For some of the participants the day began at the International Centre with the conclusion of the Fall Tai Chi week and Physiology program, including  a sumptuous lunch with a cake celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Bathurst Street Toronto location.

A wonderful evening was enjoyed by all, with beautiful music performed by talented participants, many courses of delicious food and the heartfelt warmth of being together in a moment of celebrating the holiday season.

John Balinski, President of the Central Region Management Committee introduced all of the honoured guests who spoke to us, bringing warm wishes and sincerely commenting on our Society’s dedication of always working together as committed volunteers to help others, some wondering aloud, about imagining living in a world with more individuals fulfilling our aims and objectives. John, also introduced the members of the Central Region Management Committee and they visited each table with a toast of welcome, Blaise Baillargeon, representing the Central Region Management Committee brought greetings to all.

FLK President Marsha Eberhardt spoke eloquently about our society around the world, embracing the principle of all cultures moving together  in harmony, fellow participant Heather spoke about the Health Questionnaire and summarized the responses regarding how the practice of our Taoist Tai Chi arts™ can have a profound, positive effect on our health and reduce the financial burden on our health care system. Mary, a long time participant told her personal story of how the practice of Taoist Tai Chi arts™ has enabled her to overcome significant health challenges and achieve a balanced quality of life.

And then Santa arrived, bringing good cheer, candy canes to each table and gifts for all the children in attendance.

An amazing evening, everyone departed filled with joy and happiness.




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