The Dragon's Head Blog
Balance through weight shifting in Helmond
Weightshifting, smiling and diligent practice: The difference in Birgit’s tor-yu from last year until today couldn’t be more significant, as Andrew pointed out to us at the International Instructors Workshop in Helmond. From having to learn how to walk using donyus and toryus to demonstrating the toryu to all of us – it required effort […]
Training Body and Mind in Frankfurt, Germany
There were 45 happy people who met in Frankfurt the first weekend in May for an international program led by Carmen Capilla. We worked a lot on donyus and toryus with a special focus: changing our understanding of the moves and watching that change of the mind then transform the physical move. Dropping instead of […]
Intensive in Frankfurt, Germany
Am letzen Samstag (27.08.2016) hatten wir einen dreistündigen Unterricht (Intensive) in Frankfurt am Main. 22 Mitglieder aus Lüneburg, Kassel und Frankfurt folgten der Einladung. Bei Sonnenschein und noch erträglichen Temperaturen wurden uns die neuesten Varianten zu bestimmten Bewegungselementen nahe gebracht. Mit Neugierde und voller Freude für die Instruktion hatten die Teilnehmer sehr viel Spaß. Unter […]
International Workshop in Frankfurt
On a cool but fortunately sunny spring weekend an international workshop with 70 participants from five countries took place in Frankfurt. This year we were able to rent the rooms of the Waldorf School in Frankfurt. This gave us the opportunity to have all in one place. A large gym, a separate dining area […]
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