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The Dragon's Head Blog

Aggiornamenti dal Centro
Expanding in Body and Mind

Expanding in Body and Mind

Participants from 13 countries gathered at the Taoist Tai Chi™ retreat in the Southern European Center in Madrid.  Although the days are getting shorter and darker here in December the hall was warm and colourful vibrating with the energy and joy from all the participants sharing Mr Moy’s teachings about the Tao. After the first set we […]
Harmony and Self-repair

Harmony and Self-repair

Participants took the opportunity to work together harmoniously and deepen their understanding of the teachings of Master Moy, making new habits to help them improve their health, mental and physical. Emphasis throughout the five days was on underlying principles and foundations of Taoist Tai ChiTM Arts.  Time was taken each day to work on the […]
Return to the Center

Return to the Center

Recently I took the opportunity to return to the International Center.  The main entrance was closed, so a new gate could be constructed.  I drove slowly via a path carved through the forest, behind the pond.  I welcomed this slower pace as it gave me more solitary time to reflect on the beauty of nature […]
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