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The Dragon's Head Blog

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A Doe Dag in Helmond as an appetizer

A Doe Dag in Helmond as an appetizer

On November 10th, members from Belgium travelled to Helmond (NL) for a Doe Dag – it’s s now a ritual for us to take care of the  Center once a year. A Continuing class was running while our great kitchen team was cooking simple but delicious Belgian recipes. So that during the lunch, we could hear here and there, “hmm, it’s super good”, […]
Seniors Week and International Seniors Day Celebrated at the International Center Florida

Seniors Week and International Seniors Day Celebrated at the International Center Florida

QUOTES FROM PARTICIPANTS IN INTERNATIONAL SENIORS WEEK, NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018   SENIORS WEEK PROGRAM:   My first workshop since starting in February this year.  Not too surprised to see so many seniors, but still amazed at their abilities.  Wonderful to have in-depth instruction and to participate in discussions on how we are individually being helped.  […]
Coiling in Colchester

Coiling in Colchester

Participants from across the UK and Europe are dreaming of circles, after five days of coiling and ‘turning from the spine’ at the International programme in Colchester.     The focus was very much on the *feeling* of the moves, as over one hundred people worked together to connect to the internals in their Taoist […]
Mayor visits Bayswater National Centre

Mayor visits Bayswater National Centre

Yesterday the Bayswater Mayor Dan Bull dropped by to see our National Centre and enjoy lunch with 135 of our Taoist Tai Chi workshop participants. During a tour of the centre he was introduced to the finer points of the Taoist shrine, and saw a demonstration of Taoist Tai Chi® arts.  
Harmony in Essex

Harmony in Essex

Essex is a county in Great Britain where many people practise Taoist Tai ChiTM arts. On Wednesday participants from South East Essex hired a coach and joined others in North East Essex for chanting and tai chi. Everyone enjoyed meeting up together and sharing lunch. We love to have people visit the Taoist Tai Chi […]
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