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The Dragon's Head Blog

All Souls Festival 5 – Ancestors

All Souls Festival 5 – Ancestors

We all have a relationship with our ancestors. All Souls Festival provides a way to care for & maintain harmony with them, which extends to our lives & communities. At the FLK International Centre the Columbarium, along with the cemetery and Memorial Hall, are permanent places to care for people after they have died.
All Souls Festival 3 – Beautiful Bags

All Souls Festival 3 – Beautiful Bags

All Souls Festival gives the living an opportunity to express filial piety, harmony and dedication by honouring ancestors, relatives and friends who have passed away.  Beautiful paper bags decorated with symbols of longevity, balance and comfort in the afterlife hold paper offerings to be burnt. FLK All Souls Festival chanting ceremonies will take place virtually this year. 
All Souls Festival 2 – Offerings

All Souls Festival 2 – Offerings

Paper offerings help the souls.  FLK All Souls Festival chanting ceremonies will take place virtually this year.  Buddhist and Taoist temples around the world observe All Souls Festival during the first half of the 7th lunar month when the gates of the realm of the dead are opened and the souls of the deceased can receive […]
Goon Yam Festival

Goon Yam Festival

Yesterday participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism from around the world chanted to celebrate and be inspired by Goon Yam (Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. Through chanting together our intention is to bring greater peace and harmony to the world.  
All Souls Festival 1 – Folding Paper Money

All Souls Festival 1 – Folding Paper Money

All Souls Festival is one of the most important times of year in the Taoist calendar. It provides an opportunity for the living to honour those who have passed away. Volunteers prepare paper offerings for the souls of the departed in the Realm of Yin.  FLK All Souls Festival chanting ceremonies will take place virtually this […]
Southern Dipper Festival

Southern Dipper Festival

Yesterday we celebrated the Southern Dipper Festival virtually with 1000 people from 26 countries. The Southern Dipper, together with the Northern Dipper, grants longevity. Chanting together expresses our intention to bring health and longevity to all the people of the world.  
Auguri di Buone Feste

Auguri di Buone Feste

Ci auguriamo che tutti nel mondo trovino pace, amore e gioia, nonostante questi tempi difficili. Buone feste e i migliori auguri a tutti.
Celebrazione del 50° anniversario

Celebrazione del 50° anniversario

Alla festa per il 50 ° anniversario delle arti del Tai Chi taoista ® , il presidente del Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism, John Huang, condivide la calligrafia che parla di solide basi e di un futuro luminoso. Il 5 dicembre più di 2000 persone hanno festeggiato separati/insieme! Fonte: @taoist_canada, Fung Loy Kok Institute […]
I canti lunari

I canti lunari

Durante la luna piena e la luna nuova, il 1° e il 15° giorno di ogni mese lunare, 1000 partecipanti da 26 paesi cantano separati/insieme la Scrittura del Grande Carro. Questa scrittura esprime l’interconnessione tra l’universo esterno (fuori di noi) e l’universo interno (dentro di noi), idea che risuona nell’esperienza vissuta di molti praticanti delle […]
50 anni di arti del Taoist Tai Chi <sup>®</sup>

50 anni di arti del Taoist Tai Chi ®

Dagli umili inizi a Toronto nel 1970, gli insegnamenti del Maestro Moy si sono diffusi in tutto il mondo. Oggi più di 1000 partecipanti da 26 paesi festeggiano 50 anni di aiuto alle persone e di servizio alle nostre comunità attraverso le arti del Taoist Tai Chi ®. I nostri cuori sono colmi di apprezzamento […]
Goon Yam Festival

Goon Yam Festival

Mercoledì 4 novembre, i  partecipanti alle arti del Tai Chi Taoista™ di tutto il mondo hanno cantato “separati/insieme” per celebrare Goon Yam (Guanyin) bodhisattva della compassione. Goon Yam ispira la coltivazione della compassione dentro di noi. Celebrandola attraverso il canto, la nostra intenzione è portare più pace e calma nel mondo. Il Fung Loy Kok […]
All Souls Festival – Honoring Those Who Passed

All Souls Festival – Honoring Those Who Passed

FLK held virtual All Souls chanting ceremonies online this year. In Chinese culture the All Souls Festival is one of the most important festivals of the year.  The All Souls Festival gives souls a chance to listen to the wisdom of the sutras chanted during the days of the festival and become free by resolving any […]
All Souls Festival Reflections

All Souls Festival Reflections

Last Saturday, the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism  offered an opportunity to observe and or participate in the All Souls Festival in a live online format following the weekly chanting opportunity.  Being familiar with some other traditions for the deceased, I was intrigued and curious but intended to just ” stay for awhile”.  Long […]
Reflections on Chanting

Reflections on Chanting

Chanting has been an important part of my Taoist Tai Chi® practice and so I was glad to join the Saturday sessions as we chant for the world. At first, I was very much aware of hearing my own voice superimposed over the voices of the leaders and this seemed a distraction to me, but […]
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