The Dragon's Head Blog: Seniors’ Week at the International Centre, May 11-15, 2015
For five days, under the leadership of Verity Rolfe, we discovered our centres, learned to look far, and pressed and balanced our way through don-yus, tor-yus, snakes and several moves. The results were obvious as our sets became calmer and much more together.
A nice balance of large and small group activities with simple, clear instruction throughout the week created a light, positive experience for everyone from rank beginner to seasoned practitioner. Joé Thibault’s translation for the many participants from Eastern Region provided humorous moments for all to enjoy.
Discussions were held on “In what ways can seniors contribute to the vibrancy of a location?” and “In what ways can locations contribute to the vibrancy of their seniors?” A lively discussion provided many ideas on ways to enrich the life of a location.
The week was interspersed with Tony Kwong’s Tuesday night class, Wilf Rauser on the alphorn, a talk on propriety and weeding the garden on a sunny afternoon.
Once again the week provided the opportunity to rekindle old friendships and make new ones.
A presentation on the Fenway made us eager to attend Seniors’ Week there.
See you at the Fenway in February 2016!