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The Dragon's Head Blog: Tai Chi Sword at the International Centre in Florida


The International Centre in Florida hosted its first Tai Chi Sword Workshop with 114 participants. Over the three days, the workshop participants enjoyed practicing the Sword set both indoors and outdoors.



As there was such a good turn out, it was sometimes necessary to separate into two groups to accommodate the swords! The workshop leader, Karen Laughlin, found creative ways to keep the participants equally engaged when both practicing and watching.


The Annual US National Meeting was also held after one of the afternoon meals. Representatives from each region gave a brief report. Opportunities for training and sharing information were available through the camaraderie of volunteer tasks and during our breaks and meal times. At story time, Sean Dennison shared some of the rich history of the Fenway and provided updates on the current activities and plans for the future of the Center. Keep an eye on the blog to watch the Centre as it transforms into the next international haven for participants  of Taoist Tai Chi® arts all over the world.





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