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The Dragon's Head Blog: A Very Thorough Weekend in Madrid

This weekend we celebrated the Portugal, Spain and Italy annual instructors’ meeting. Some 60 instructors from the 3 countries got together to pool and advance in our understanding of tai chi and our role as accredited volunteer instructors.

The activity on Saturday was held at the Southern European Centre and was most varied. It included practice, the annual general meeting, chanting, as well as an interesting talk about tai chi and health. And of course we ate and performed all the tasks around an event like this.

On Sunday the activity shifted to the Puerta del Sol, at the very Madrid city centre,  for a new Taoist Tai Chi ™ Awareness Day type. A hundred members from Portugal, Italy and Spain participated in the demonstrations of tai chi, tai chi with sabre, Lok Hup Ba Fa, and of course we danced our colorful Chinese dragon. Numerous passersby showed interest, many could not resist a photo with the dragon, and a few dared with one of our free classes on site.

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