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The Dragon's Head Blog

Center Updates
Cross-Canada Seniors Day begins

Cross-Canada Seniors Day begins

The mango pudding is chilling, the buses and cars have flocked to the International Center, with a record of more than 400 participants for a seniors day, and there is a excitement in the air for what’s ahead. Seniors Day is always the largest one-day event at the International Center but this year it takes […]
Sabre Program and USA Annual Meeting at the International Center in Florida

Sabre Program and USA Annual Meeting at the International Center in Florida

Over the Memorial Day weekend holiday the International Center in Florida hosted an international sabre program lead by Sean Dennison.  Over 90 participants took part in the program coming from as far as New Zealand. The first day started with the USA Board receiving a guided tour of the historic Fenway Hotel from the Dunedin branch […]
Tampa Bay Times Article- Dunedin’s Historic Fenway Hotel to become public, boutique hotel

Tampa Bay Times Article- Dunedin’s Historic Fenway Hotel to become public, boutique hotel

Tampa Bay Times Article – DUNEDIN — The revamping of the historic Fenway Hotel has long been a dream for residents and city leaders. By next spring, when the 1920s building is expected to once again open its doors to the public, developers say that dream will become reality. The building’s owner, Taoist Tai Chi […]
International Center Florida Hosts Tampa Bay Area Participants

International Center Florida Hosts Tampa Bay Area Participants

The International Center Florida hosted 230 participants for lunch and a tour of the facilities on April 14th. Members of the Dunedin Branch were very busy in preparation for participants from all over the Tampa Bay area coming to Dunedin Thursday morning. Upon arriving, participants walked the grounds outside of the construction fence around buildings A […]
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