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The Dragon's Head Blog

International Programs
Workshop Report from Portland, Oregon

Workshop Report from Portland, Oregon

Dozens of Portland participants were joined by those flying in from Alaska, Texas, and California, as well as driving from the corners of the Portland Branch (Newport and Oregon City in Oregon/Seattle and Vancouver in Washington) for a total of 97 tai chiers not counting the amazing Portland kitchen team which provided us with delicious and […]
‘Seeing Each Other, Helping Each Other’

‘Seeing Each Other, Helping Each Other’

On February 24 -25 Ottawa Branch welcomed participants from the Pacific Region, Peterborough Branch and Kingston Branch to celebrate the Year of the Dog with a Chinese New Year Banquet and a National Program at the Ottawa Branch Centre. MP Anita Vandenbeld, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, and Arnprior Councillor Daniel Lynch joined our celebration and […]
Balance through weight shifting in Helmond

Balance through weight shifting in Helmond

Weightshifting, smiling and diligent practice: The difference in Birgit’s tor-yu from last year until today couldn’t be more significant, as Andrew pointed out to us at the International Instructors Workshop in Helmond. From having to learn how to walk using donyus and toryus to demonstrating the toryu to all of us – it required effort […]
Coiling Without Dropping is Just Dancing

Coiling Without Dropping is Just Dancing

On February 10 and 11, we explored the importance of coiling and dropping in various foundation exercises and moves of the set. It was the first international workshop in the area of Lausanne, Switzerland and a great adventure we happily shared with 68 participants from 11 different countries.  This is just a small sample of […]
National Lok Hup Program on Vancouver Island, Canada

National Lok Hup Program on Vancouver Island, Canada

How many tai chi’ers does it take to do Lok Hup in Parksville, British Columbia? “191”, a truly auspicious event! Practitioners gathered in the highest goodness, arriving from Phoenix, Winnipeg, Ontario, the Southern Interior of BC, the Vancouver area, Kamloops and Vancouver Island. Together, and because of the caring nature of our organization, harmony was […]
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