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The Dragon's Head Blog

National Updates
Two Awareness Day Displays in Great Britain

Two Awareness Day Displays in Great Britain

International Taoist Tai Chi Awareness Day is held each year to celebrate and promote the many benefits of Taoist Tai Chi ® arts of health for physical, mental and spiritual health and well-being. Members, family and friends from more than 25 countries will gather throughout the world for public demonstrations, parades and festivities. In Great Britain, […]
Awareness Day in the Netherlands

Awareness Day in the Netherlands

On Sunday August 28, in a parade we went to downtown Helmond to celebrate Awareness Day in the Netherlands. The colourful balloons and the silver t-shirts were shining in the sun. All the shops were open, the terraces were full, live blues music played next to our demo spot, and there was an Oldsmobile car festival […]
Dragon Dances at Dundas

Dragon Dances at Dundas

It was a warm Thursday evening and the community came out to watch the Dundas Cactus Festival parade in Ontario, Canada. Spectators and children smiled as they watched the 10-leg dragon weave and zigzag along the parade route. The crowd applauded when the dragon chased the pearl into a spiral. The dragon’s presence was especially […]
First people in the world to do tai chi

First people in the world to do tai chi

When I was a kid I had two left feet. I was good at sport but anything that required grace, timing, co-ordination and balance was not an option for me, or my sister for that matter. You see both Jacqui and I cannot tell left from right. When we were forced to learn dancing at […]
Intensive in Frankfurt, Germany

Intensive in Frankfurt, Germany

Am letzen Samstag (27.08.2016) hatten wir einen dreistündigen Unterricht (Intensive) in Frankfurt am Main. 22 Mitglieder aus Lüneburg, Kassel und Frankfurt folgten der Einladung. Bei Sonnenschein und noch erträglichen Temperaturen wurden uns die neuesten Varianten zu bestimmten Bewegungselementen nahe gebracht. Mit Neugierde und voller Freude für die Instruktion hatten die Teilnehmer sehr viel Spaß. Unter […]
New Zealand beginner’s first weekend

New Zealand beginner’s first weekend

The Learn Tai Chi in a Weekend program was held in Tauranga, New Zealand, on August 12-14. There were four absolute beginners surrounded over the weekend by six to eight instructors. What a ratio to ensure maximum learning. It was a daunting prospect for us newbies but the atmosphere over the whole weekend was relaxed […]
​Trekking and Three Demos in the Heart of Quebec City

​Trekking and Three Demos in the Heart of Quebec City

More than thirty people walked the streets of Old Quebec on a recent sunny Saturday to present three demonstrations to the public and tourists. The event was quite successful. There were participants from Lac Beauport, Loretteville, Limoilou, Charlesbourg, Charny, Levis and as far as Rimouski. Even new participants who did almost three hours of trekking and practised […]
See Wong Dai Sin photo contest winning entries

See Wong Dai Sin photo contest winning entries

Click on the videos below to see the stunning winning entries received for a photo contest held for the First Anniversary of the Grand Opening of our Wong Dai Sin Temple. We were also celebrating the four architecture awards won by the Taoist temple, including the prestigious  Governor-General’s Medal for Architecture 2016.  
Fung Loy Kok Week is a Grand Feast

Fung Loy Kok Week is a Grand Feast

The range of arts offered by the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism is often described as being like a banquet with many dishes from which we can choose. This year’s Fung Loy Kok Week in Orangeville has proven to be a grand feast with its roughly one hundred participants tasting the chanting, meditation and tai […]
Reflections on All Souls at D’Arcy St Temple

Reflections on All Souls at D’Arcy St Temple

“Energising chants to remember and honour departed loved ones, while lightening and transforming grief into joy.” “Powerful, still, moving.” “Stillness, joy, compassion. Reflections and celebration. Amazing energy of lives lived.” “Great learning experience in the rituals and the helping others that creates harmony in many directions.” “Powerful, profound, a wonderfully rich experience of sharing and […]
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