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The Dragon's Head Blog: New York City Tri-State Workshop

On March 10th and 11th, 71 participants from the northeast region came together for a national weekend program. Over the course of the weekend we did numerous sets, and explored full weight transfers, coiling and spiraling in our toryus. We then worked to integrate these sensations into some of the movements of the set. We spent some time in small groups discussing the virtue of dedication and shared our thoughts with the whole group. Our culture of helping others was evident as teams maintained an array of tea-break snacks and served three delicious catered meals in-house. Quite a few beginners from the New York City branch joined the program for the first time and shared very positive experiences in the classes that followed. We are all grateful to Master Moy for the gift of these arts of health, and the opportunity to learn and practice together.

<em>Taoist Tai Chi</em> New York City

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