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The Dragon's Head Blog: Portland, Oregon Hosts National Program

The Taoist Tai Chi™ Portland Branch held a National Program February 29th and March 1st hosting 82 eager participants from as far east as Massachusetts, as far south as Texas and as far north as Alaska and Canada.

We were told to “forget the form” and focus instead on expanding and contracting our spines, loading the feet, and coiling.  Initially many had difficulty letting go of old habits but with demonstrations, repetitions, and skillful guidance, smiles replaced looks of confusion.  Participants listened, watched intently, asked many questions, and practiced with enthusiasm.  We were given lots of “homework”.  Many were seen studying the class schedules, inspired to attend more Continuing Classes to build on the weekend’s growth.  On Sunday morning we practiced another of the Taoist Tai Chi™ Arts .  Starting at the shrine, we chanted as we walked around the perimeter of the practice hall. 

 Between practice sessions we visited with new and old friends, worked together on the tasks supporting the event, and as always enjoyed excellent food.

 Gratitude for the Taoist Arts given us by Master Moy and the dedication of the Program Instructor were expressed by the Branch Leaders and by the attendees.  


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